Julius Skrrvin
I be winkin' through the scope
He'd probably be doing the world (and the baby) a favor if the taze somehow killed the baby![]()
this is some borderline :killercac: shyt breh

He'd probably be doing the world (and the baby) a favor if the taze somehow killed the baby![]()
you think the kid has a bright future with these two geniuses raising it? Not being born wasn't so bad. Probably better than dealing with those two dumb fukks.this is some borderline :killercac: shyt breh![]()
so did the cop say TWICE "get on the ground or get tazed?"For those that don't want to watch the video/don't want a biased view:
*vid starts with cop physically holding a man. Looks like he already has him handcuffed or simply subdued. But he obviously doesn't have the situation under full control.*
*the pregnant woman is standing right next to them, literally touching both the officer and the handcuffed man*
Pregnant woman: "let him go"
*cop flies into the scene from stage right and immediately tazes man that is already subdued*
*woman screams*
*man drops to the floor from being tazed*
*pregnant woman screams and tries to hold onto/protect man*
*cop immediately begins to taze woman*
Pregnant woman: I'm pregnant
Cop: Get on the ground
*cop puts woman in headlock and tries to wrestle her to the ground (doesn't work)*
*cop lets up, pushes womans head down and holds tazer to her back*
Cop: get on the ground or get tazed
Woman: I'm pregnant
Cop: get on the ground or get tazed
*woman stands up*
Woman: I'm pregnant
Cop: You're getting tazed
*cop tazes woman to the ground and forces her on her stomach*
-the end
now discuss
He'd probably be doing the world (and the baby) a favor if the taze somehow killed the baby![]()
hell me either bruh that's why i said it's a murky situation especially for the cop cause he's damned if he does his job (damned by the peeps who aren't being realistic and realizing that he's JUST doing his job) and damned if he doesn't do his job.
you think the kid has a bright future with these two geniuses raising it? Not being born wasn't so bad. Probably better than dealing with those two dumb fukks.
So it's a job requirement to electrocute a pregnant woman if she "touches" you?
That's excessive force, and he showed total disregard for her well being and her unborn child's well being. the choke slam on the stomach face down on concrete showed you how evil his intentions were
Yeah she should've backed away and never got in between the officer and her unborn child's father. But She did not assault that man. He had no justifiable reason to use his tazer.
Like I said if it had been a white woman and ole boy they would've double tazed that nikka, and left that cracker alone
Diffuse WHAT exactly..the chickenhead was already laying hands on the cop arresting her thug baby daddy..things had gone way past the point of negotiationHe didn't have to taze her. Cops need to learn how to diffuse situations as well.
HOW do you calmly talk to someone who wont calm down..im sure they told her many times to back off she kept on going..Obviously a pregnant woman is going to be emotional and excited while watching her baby daddyget arrested.
The guy was already subdued the cop could have calmly talked to the woman instead of all the "get on the ground, or get tazed" stuff. Especially after he found out she was pregnant.
Theyre cops not social workers..if you dont behave and start laying hands on them they wont sweet talk you..they have three optionsWith that said, i don't think a judge will watch the video and see any wrongdoing in the cops actions. She did put herself in that situation, and she didn't follow directions. I just think there some room for some humanity in these situations. These cops clearly gave no fukks about that woman or her child's well being.
so since she's pregnant, she's above being told what to do? simple yes or no? i don't care about all that if she's white or black or hispanic or utopian, if the cops are REPEATEDLY telling ANYBODY what to do (which was easily getting on the ground) or risk getting tazed and I continue to try and override authority, of course I should expect to get tazed. Had he not tazed her, can you imagine what COULD Of happened?!?!?!?
All this is nonsense. I'm starting to think you're a racist cac parading as a black man. I've seen plenty of white women do way worse and not get treated like this lady did.Diffuse WHAT exactly..the chickenhead was already laying hands on the cop arresting her thug baby daddy..things had gone way past the point of negotiation
HOW do you calmly talk to someone who wont calm down..im sure they told her many times to back off she kept on going..
Theyre cops not social workers..if you dont behave and start laying hands on them they wont sweet talk you..they have three options
*shoot you
*Give you a Beatdown
Thats why she got 20,000 volts of de-ratcheting energy to bring clarity to her mind..if i was a cop I would do the same
so did the cop say TWICE "get on the ground or get tazed?"
If so not the cops fault.
essentially thats the only gray area of the discussion
proponents of the lady will say, "in the heat of the moment, over all the yelling and fighting,she was too flustered to understand and follow the cops orders. You just got tazed, how can you react accordingly."
proponents of the cop will say, "in the heat of the moment, over all the yelling and fighting, the cops #1 responsibility is to control the situation and engage all parties refusing to listen as threats. The woman wasn't listening before she got tazed. Her proximity to and actions during the original altercation made her an active participant."
so since she's pregnant, she's above being told what to do? simple yes or no? i don't care about all that if she's white or black or hispanic or utopian, if the cops are REPEATEDLY telling ANYBODY what to do (which was simply to get on the ground) or risk getting tazed and I continue to try and override authority, of course I should expect to get tazed. Had he not tazed her, can you imagine what COULD Of happened?!?!?!?
I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong, i'm saying that he gave her full warning and she didn't fall back like she should of. The slam and what not was a bit excessive, but don't act like he didn't warn her PLENTY of times