Video: Hebrew Israelites in Israel


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I’m guessing that you didn’t know that the Romans fought two wars with the Jews, with the last war leading to the expulsion of Jews from Palestine.

None of those Roman annals, whether written by Tacitus or Josephus, describe Jews as black people.

STOP :mjlol:
Nikkas be loud and wrong...

Tacitus on the Jews (1st Century):
"Many assure us that the Jews are descended from THOSE ETHIOPIANS who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king." - Tacitus, 1st Century

You don't mistaken white or non black people for Africans...I bet your ignorant behind will double down...

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Nikkas be loud and wrong...

Tacitus on the Jews (1st Century):
"Many assure us that the Jews are descended from THOSE ETHIOPIANS who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king." - Tacitus, 1st Century

You don't mistaken white or non black people for Africans...I bet your ignorant behind will double down...

Provide the primary source for that quotation please

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Here you go.

A few authorities hold that in the reign of Isis the surplus population of Egypt was evacuated to neighboring lands under the leadership of Hierosolymus and Judas.note Many assure us that the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king.

Tacitus on the Jews - Livius

And you're welcome in advance.

You neglected to, purposely, post the full quotation. Tacitus describes the musing of the origins of the Jews citing what others have said:

"The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter.note This is a deduction from the name Judaei by which they became known: the word is to be regarded as a barbarous lengthening of Idaei, the name of the people dwelling around the famous Mount Ida in Crete. A few authorities hold that in the reign of Isis the surplus population of Egypt was evacuated to neighboring lands under the leadership of Hierosolymus and Judas.note Many assure us that the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king.note There are some who say that a motley collection of landless Assyrians occupied a part of Egypt, and then built cities of their own, inhabiting the lands of the Hebrews and the nearer parts of Syria. Others again find a famous ancestry for the Jews in the Solymi who are mentioned with respect in the epics of Homer this tribe is supposed have founded Jerusalem and named it after themselves."

In the full quotation, Tacitus says that Jews might be from Crete, ancient Assyria, or related to Homeric epics. Ethiopia is just among those places that contemporary persons during his time had said Jews may be from. Tacitus, being the historian he was, simply lists all of the places that Jews may be from.

But then - in the following paragraph, Tacitus says the following:

"Most authorities, however, agree on the following account. The whole of Egypt was once plagued by a wasting disease which caused bodily disfigurement. So pharaoh Bocchorisnote went to the oracle of Hammonnote to ask for a cure, and was told to purify his kingdom by expelling the victims to other lands, as they lay under a divine curse. Thus a multitude of sufferers was rounded up, herded together, and abandoned in the wilderness. Here the exiles tearfully resigned themselves to their fate. But one of them, who was called Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown. But exhaustion set in, chiefly through lack of water, and the level plain was already strewn with the bodies of those who had collapsed and were at their last gasp when a herd of wild asses left their pasture and made for the spade of a wooded crag. Moses followed them and was able to bring to light a number of abundant channels of water whose presence he had deduced from a grassy patch of ground. This relieved their thirst. They traveled on for six days without a break, and on the seventh they expelled the previous inhabitants of Canaan, took over their lands and in them built a holy city and temple."

Essentially, Tacitus points towards an Egyptian origin of the Jews, spends the most time describing that account (2 paragraphs) and not just a throw away line about Ethiopia.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Nikkas be loud and wrong...

Tacitus on the Jews (1st Century):
"Many assure us that the Jews are descended from THOSE ETHIOPIANS who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king." - Tacitus, 1st Century

You don't mistaken white or non black people for Africans...I bet your ignorant behind will double down...
This doesn't prove what you think it does since if you read the WHOLE page he's speculating as to their origins and not stating it as fact....
Some say that the Jews were fugitives from the island of Crete, who settled on the nearest coast of Africa about the time when Saturn was driven from his throne by the power of Jupiter. Evidence of this is sought in the name. There is a famous mountain in Crete called Ida; the neighbouring tribe, the Idaei, came to be called Judaei by a barbarous lengthening of the national name. Others assert that in the reign of Isis the overflowing population of Egypt, led by Hierosolymus and Judas, discharged itself into the neighbouring countries. Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus were driven by fear and hatred of their neighbours to seek a new dwelling-place. Others describe them as an Assyrian horde who, not having sufficient territory, took possession of part of Egypt, and founded cities of their own in what is called the Hebrew country, lying on the borders of Syria. Others, again, assign a very distinguished origin to the Jews, alleging that they were the Solymi, a nation celebrated in the poems of Homer, who called the city which they founded Hierosolyma after their own name.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Provide the primary source for that quotation please
It's literally the first bolded line...also...

"After the death of our Saviour Jesus Christ, all this Country was called the Holy Land.* The People which anciently possest this Country were the Jews, being of a middle stature, strong of body, of a BLACK COMPLEXION" - "A Geographical Description Of The Four Parts Of The World", page 20 (Published in 1670)

Also, the Europeans knew the original Jews were black before the 1800s, it wasn't until after that, that they started associating Jews with whites/non black people. The Portuguese and Spanish knew who they were enslaving, because they were the same black Jews they expelled from their country, in the 1400s.


Nov 12, 2013
You neglected to, purposely, post the full quotation. Tacitus describes the musing of the origins of the Jews citing what others have said:

"The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter.note This is a deduction from the name Judaei by which they became known: the word is to be regarded as a barbarous lengthening of Idaei, the name of the people dwelling around the famous Mount Ida in Crete. A few authorities hold that in the reign of Isis the surplus population of Egypt was evacuated to neighboring lands under the leadership of Hierosolymus and Judas.note Many assure us that the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king.note There are some who say that a motley collection of landless Assyrians occupied a part of Egypt, and then built cities of their own, inhabiting the lands of the Hebrews and the nearer parts of Syria. Others again find a famous ancestry for the Jews in the Solymi who are mentioned with respect in the epics of Homer this tribe is supposed have founded Jerusalem and named it after themselves."

In the full quotation, Tacitus says that Jews might be from Crete, ancient Assyria, or related to Homeric epics. Ethiopia is just among those places that contemporary persons during his time had said Jews may be from. Tacitus, being the historian he was, simply lists all of the places that Jews may be from.

But then - in the following paragraph, Tacitus says the following:

"Most authorities, however, agree on the following account. The whole of Egypt was once plagued by a wasting disease which caused bodily disfigurement. So pharaoh Bocchorisnote went to the oracle of Hammonnote to ask for a cure, and was told to purify his kingdom by expelling the victims to other lands, as they lay under a divine curse. Thus a multitude of sufferers was rounded up, herded together, and abandoned in the wilderness. Here the exiles tearfully resigned themselves to their fate. But one of them, who was called Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown. But exhaustion set in, chiefly through lack of water, and the level plain was already strewn with the bodies of those who had collapsed and were at their last gasp when a herd of wild asses left their pasture and made for the spade of a wooded crag. Moses followed them and was able to bring to light a number of abundant channels of water whose presence he had deduced from a grassy patch of ground. This relieved their thirst. They traveled on for six days without a break, and on the seventh they expelled the previous inhabitants of Canaan, took over their lands and in them built a holy city and temple."

Essentially, Tacitus points towards an Egyptian origin of the Jews, spends the most time describing that account (2 paragraphs) and not just a throw away line about Ethiopia.

Just about all of the places that were proposed as origin points for Judeans were places where "Aethiopian" aka "black" people dwelled and originated, as i proved in the academic source from a PHD which i cited. Assyrians and other Mesopotamians were literally called "black headed people" by Sumerians and would likely have been a "Aethiopian" people before the mid-bronze age Guttian/Amorite/Hittite/Hurrian migrations and invasions from the Caucasus and Russian Steppe.

During Tacitus time, the Assyrians were likely alot more mixed w/ the aforementioned groups as well as Scythians and he was probably refering to the indigenous Assyrians as a proposed origin population.

And we know Israelites came via Mesopotamia, then the Levant, then Egypt, then the Levant again. This is what Israel's own written records tell us. We don't need Tacitus for that. And i'm not disputing that they came out of Egypt.

The main point is Tacitus hypothethically proposing an "Aethiopian" origin which doesn't make sense as a working hypothesis unless they were a racially "Aethiopian" people, which according to the modern day racial schema of the West, they would've been considered "black".

The skeletal studies on the remains of Iron Age Israelites in Lachish, Israel dated between 1000-700BC (way before Tacitus time) confirm Tacitus eyewitness account of Judeans/Israelites being a racially "Aethiopian" like population.




Study of the Cranial and Other Human Remains From Palestine Excavated at Tell Duweir (p. 142)

Population Continuity or Replacement at Lachish? (p. 61)


Feb 16, 2017

I thought they deported them? Good to hear they're out there doing their thing.

Say what you want but this is the first time FBA's colonized a place ( that's if you accept that small hats as ancient Hebrews)

They don't have to be drafted into small hat conflicts and they keep their distinct culture and heritage none of that " reconversion shyt that the small hats make the Ethiopian Jews do)


Nov 12, 2013
I thought they deported them? Good to hear they're out there doing their thing.

Say what you want but this is the first time FBA's colonized a place ( that's if you accept that small hats as ancient Hebrews)

They don't have to be drafted into small hat conflicts and they keep their distinct culture and heritage none of that " reconversion shyt that the small hats make the Ethiopian Jews do)
The deportations would've affected a little over 100 members from the community due to the claim from the government of some not having proper paperwork to prove their residency status.. Not the community as a whole. Regardless, the leaders of the community are working to make sure none get deported regardless of legal status or paperwork. And none have been deported thus far.

And Everytime certain elements of the right wing in Israel talk about deportations, something "tragic" happens :youngsabo:

This was a few days after the government first proposed deportations :youngsabo:


Then a few days after they brought it up again, October 7th happend. :sas2:


"Yall Nig*as"
Nov 5, 2015
Right, like how did the Jew go from being mistaken for 1st century Ethiopians by the Roman's to being white or non black in modern times? :sas2: Seems like antisemitism is the other way around, with the erasure and whitewashing of history...
1492 and the fall of Grenada


Nov 12, 2013

Hebrew Israelite founded School in Dimona Israel has the highest standardized test scores in Southern Israel​

@ 52:05

On average, fewer than half of the members of each high school class attend university upon graduation, though African Hebrew high school students consistently score high on their exit exams,
Source: Department of Middle Eastern and African History, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel (Andrew Esensten)

Also, statistically one of the Healthiest communities in Israel and the whole Western World

@ 1:45



Exodus 19:5 - "Now, if you will obey me faithfully and keep my covenant, you will be my treasured possession, than all the Nations of the Earth"

Psalm 91:9-11 - "Because 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 is my refuge, the MOST HIGH is your haven, no harm will befall you, no disease will touch your tent. For he will order his Angels to guard you wherever you go"