I'm still
after getting that Xbox one with MCC and a free phone for $35 out of pocket.
The deal is over now so if you slept on it
MCC has been good to me for couch co-op, but Titanfall is my GAME right now.
Ori and the Blind forest is the truth too.
Xbox1 is definitely dope.
I do find the UI to be laggy when compared to the PS4 UI though. Also, I've had to manually reset games a few times that got stuck on the first loading screen.
I prefer the PS4 controller overall but the independently vibrating triggers (pause) on the Xbox one is a cool little feature. The controller takes longer to sync with the system than it does on PS4 too. Its a super miniscule complaint, but valid none the less. I'm not a fan of the UI overall. Too many advertisements all over the place and flipping through panels can really expose the lag it has.
Oh yeah and Netflix has achievements now?