Man you are a joke. I have seen beautiful black women without weaves, makeup, and perms. In fact a lot of black women DON'T wear makeup, as opposed to most white women, and they still look good. WHEN they wear makeup, they look BANGING.
Just go to the thread "This why we love black women" in the Just bugging out area on this website. There are all types of black women on there, and they look good. Even Principality of Zero, had to admit this, and he has issues with blacks.
Add to the fact that black women do so much to their hair, and have style, I could see the hate a lot of women have for them just out of pure jealousy. The only women who remind me of black women, and their style, are Italian women, and sometimes latin women, and what are Italians seen as?. "White ******s".
I like ALL women, but putting white women on a pedestal, and dissing black women, when it's bullshyt, needs to stop. You can not like the attitudes that a lot of them have, but that doesn't take away that they look good when they want to.
Why aren't there any threads dissing white women, and their self entitlement. A lot of them think that being white AUTOMATICALLY means you want them, and think LOW of you as a black man, yet you self hating Tommy Sotomayer or whatever his name is, ignore that, and shyt on YOUR OWN WOMEN. Men like you, and the black women who do the same shyt, are traitors to our race. Instead of talking about our issues in a logical manner, you get emotional, and talk about the worse things we do, and shyt on anything we do that makes us happy.