Very Homopobic People May Actually be Gay, Says Study

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Clearly you're keeping track just fine yourself, friend. And it's very common for rape victims to subconsciously repress their memories, distorting them into cases of alien abduction or religious experiences, so that makes perfect sense.
Demonic mind games. :snoop:

What a sad man you've become. I guess this is what happens when demons run out of things to say and ways to defend their satanic culture. They retreat to the comfort of their demonic imagination and conjure filth to agitate friends.

Im just a concerned church going citizen whos watching the world burn and attempting to pull people like you out of the bonfires you dance in with glee. Please embrace God and denounce filth like homosexuality. God demands it and you better do what he says, friend. :ufdup:

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
He pretty much let it out the bag in that thread where someone posted the story about the karate instructor who molested the kid getting killed by the boy's father, and he celebrated like he just won the lottery, then went on the most hateful, personal rants about me he's ever done in the ensuing days after I made jokes (I thought they were jokes, but I guess I was reality) about it.

I feel bad for him but he's not handling it right by channeling all this venom toward gay people. He probably started taking karate lessons as an adult to try and conquer and overcome the "demons." Sad.

:heh::wow: link to that thread?


Mar 18, 2013
reverse psychology is part of the gay agenda, which accuses anyone who disagrees with sodomy as harboring closet homosexual tendencies, but if you agree with such lifestyle than u are labeled "tolerant".

prob the worst post Ive seen in a while

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
I hate baseball, that's why you won't ever see me posting about baseball, usually people tend to avoid thinking/talking about stuff they hate, however, Mowgli and other folks on this forum think about homosexuals and post about them constantly, all the while claiming to be disgusted by them, yet, damn near all of Mowgli's posts contain some hypothetical explicit homosexual experience...This is something different than simply "they don't like you". Straight people who don't hate homosexuals are also grossed out by homosexual activity but going down the "hate" route is something different entirely.

Buit when you add religion into the hate you get the need by some people to be ridiculously vocal about their not liking homosexuals. They are working on orders from whatever make believe deity they worship and those types of people can't just live and let live.


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
so what does that say about gay people?

they are willing to lie to the point that they pretend to hate other gays in order to maintain the lie?


Florida Man
May 1, 2012
does a bear shyt in the woods?



Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Buit when you add religion into the hate you get the need by some people to be ridiculously vocal about their not liking homosexuals. They are working on orders from whatever make believe deity they worship and those types of people can't just live and let live.

You guys are fukking idiots. What about those that needlessly shyt on religion every chance they get like most of the liberal elite in this fukking forum? Are they secret right wing Christians as well? I mean, what else would explain their vehement insults toward Christians and Christianity in general?


Jun 22, 2012
You guys are fukking idiots. What about those that needlessly shyt on religion every chance they get like most of the liberal elite in this fukking forum? Are they secret right wing Christians as well? I mean, what else would explain their vehement insults toward Christians and Christianity in general?

You know what I think you may have a point. :ohhh:

We can now conclude based on this study that those who despise Christianity are actually Christians, they hate to admit it.


Mar 18, 2013
Do you know I'm not a Christian if I follow the old testament? :jada:

Why are you arguing with a Christian quoting Old testament?

OOOOO my bad. because the new testament is so much more logical than the old.



Mar 18, 2013
Gay people should have the same rights that any other tax paying citizen of this country has but assigning motives based on whether someone likes you is just stupid. Most times it is not some deep psychological reason and instead it just measn that they don't like you.

i dont think all people against gays are secretly gay. thats irrational thinking. but i do believe that the most outspoken people who have pure admitted hatred for gays and feel that they are gonna turn us all gay, just might have a tiny bit of gayness locked deep inside.

if ur somebody that just says "whoa thats nasty" and leaves it at that, thats one thing.

but when u march and hold signs that say things like "god hates fags" or "gayness is the disease, AIDS is the cure" or "god made AIDS to get rid of fags" and then hide behind the bible :comeon: then u might have some deeper hidden feelings.

theres different levels of tolerance towards gays. for example, i would never march for gay rights. defending them against hate and bible spewing morons on a forum is as far as i go. i believe they have the right to marry and they have the right to the pursuit happiness as much as the rest of us. but i also laugh when i see 6 foot brolic black dudes in assless chaps saying HEYYYYYYY. i wouldnt want my son to turn out gay, but if he did, i wouldnt disown him. or send him to bible camp to turn him straight.

some people have pure HATRED for them, as if anything a gay dude does with another gay dude in their bedroom has any bearing on their life whatsoever. they actively go out and protest against gays and call them evil and demonic.

thats just retarded.


Mar 18, 2013
Gays can do whatever they want. But according to my Bible It's an abomination and a sin just like stealing.

I don't hate them I just convey what my Bible teaches. It doesn't make me a bigot and a hateful person. :stopitslime:

I didn't make make it up.

no you didnt but the guys who wrote it did. you just eat it up as if it was facts.

its a shame tho the bible has such nice things in it about love and faith. instead of conveying the negativity in the bible, how about conveying some love and forgiveness and being non-judgmental towards others?



Jun 8, 2012

you mean the same good book that says....

Children who refuse to obey their parents must be executed.

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. -- Deuteronomy 21:18-21


oh boy you dont want to do this. so i'll let you off the hook this time. i dont want to make a 2 page long post about how out of context every bible post you make usually is. i can take anything out of context and make it to mean this or that.

but just to prove the point. lets address this one.

"If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, 19 then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. 20 "And they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 "Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear," (Deut. 21:18-21).

This seemingly harsh punishment for rebellion has been used by the critics of Christianity to infer the moral backwardness of Old Testament ethics. It is easy to throw stones from the comfort of our 21st century perspective. But the ancient harsh example is intended to keep order in the family and also in society. Consider Exodus 20:12 which says, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you." God's intention is that the family not degenerate to such an extent that authority is undermined. This has potential serious consequences in society as a whole should familial rebellion become rampant.

In the Old Testament God appears harsh for three reasons. First, it was to demonstrate the exacting requirements of the Law, a perfect and demanding standard. Second, it ultimately demonstrates the need for grace that would eventually be manifested on the cross. Third, should rebellion take root the very heart of the gospel would be at risk since the prophecies of the Messiah coming to and through Israel could be undermined should rebellion become rampant and society fall apart causing the prophecies to fail. Therefore, we can conclude that this harsh requirement was a necessary legality to instill and designate the necessity of family order and respect and to ultimately provide another safeguard that would ensure the sacrifice of Christ.

Also, consider the following six points from by John Haley regarding the stores:1

That it is a son, and not a daughter.
That he is "stubborn" and "rebellious," a "glutton" and a "drunkard."
The parents are the only allowed plaintiffs, and both must concur in the complaint to make it a legal one.
He is brought before the elders of the city, and investigation is had into the merits of the case.
That no case is on record in which a person was put to death under this law.
That the mere fact of the existence of such a law would tend strongly to confirm the authority of parents, and to deter youth for disobedience and unfilial2 conduct.
1. Haley, John W., Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible,

and dont just read the bolded. read it all. the point is, you tried to hit us with a GOTCHA, but you ddint get anyone.

and further more lets address this point
But the ancient harsh example is intended to keep order in the family and also in society. Consider Exodus 20:12 which says, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you." God's intention is that the family not degenerate to such an extent that authority is undermined. This has potential serious consequences in society as a whole should familial rebellion become rampant.

do we see anything like that in society today? we surely do.

How many single parent homes are there? how many sons are in jail. what do they say about good father in the home with his wife(the sons mother) and the son. There's a reason the son is more likely to do the right things based on this authority that first comes from GOD then to the father(man of the house), mother, and then the child(son). in that order) when the father is not there,and especially for nonsense reasons. the son a lot of times is out of control. because that authority figure(POPS) is not there to keep him in check.
without keeping our SONS in check, we have a CRIMINALS running rampant.

lets look at CHICAGO and the gun violence. that surely aint a bunch of rachet chicks shooting up people. thats SONS doing the most damage. they have ZERO regard for authority of their parent(most likely a single mother) or at times PARENTS. and we see what the consequences are when you dont have a TOUGH law like the one above. sons turn into killers, stealers, rapist, drug dealers.

but i know. it sounds sexier to say the bible is wrong for an old law that seems harsh on the surface but makes all the sense in the world.

lets look at it like this. Right now rebellious sons are not brought to the elders then for them to decide after the parents have both done their due diligence to get a son under control.

that same son of today is caught by the POLICE. who probably doesnt give a ... about your son to begin with, and wont do a bunch of research to see if your son deserves full punishment or not. they are just there trying to add to the prison population. So they make the same decision as the elders. they wont stone you to death unless you have killed someone. but they will treat you like a slave for your time in prison and even after with probation.

remember usually a son that goes as far as to completely rebel and become a drunkard(or in this day an age, a drug addict and an alchy). that kind of son 99.9% of the time becomes a menace to society. those old laws were trying to keep SOCIETY at large in check. if you dont want those harsh rules fine. dont cry when the next 7 year old gets shot in the head because one of these VIOLENT REBELLIOUS sons were allowed to do whatever they wanted to do until the cops caught up with them. your choice. either way a life is lost. would you rather that life be the innocent kid or the menace to society that had every chance to do right and chose otherwise ?


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
So, the bible also says don't wear two types of cloth, so you follow that rule too right? And you stone adulterers right? The bible says to.

I'm sure if a loved family member came out you would call them an abomination right? :rudy:

Also make sure the gIrl you marry is a virgin or you'll have to kill her

Stop quoting the old testament like that's the christian "bible" u fukkin idiot

That's part of the Muslim Quran and the Jewish Torah too.

Jesus changed everything. The new testament is what makes a Christian, and it states not to hate anybody, love thy neighbor, don't do anything u wouldn't want done to yourself, etc. it spreads love, acceptance and is a great moral guide to live by even if u don't believe in it, morals are universal

True Christians don't hate gays, we just don't want them getting married in our church. The bible says it's only a sin being gay if u act on it, and it doesn't say to hate sinners, it says to love and support them like everyone else in the world, to help them, NEVER to hate them.

What ur quoting has NOTHING to do with the beliefs of a Christian in the last 2000 years