Go read my post again. I told you exactly what you trampled over. How in the hell you gonna compare the unvaxxed to the pharoah when the Pharaoh is the one oppressing God’s chosen people. The Pharaoh is one making the laws, forcing people to hard rigurous labor with no pay. The Pharoah was the one complaining that the Israelires are growing too larger in numbers and in wealth in Egypt and decided to do something about that.
But according to your dumbass the anti vaxxers are the Pharoahs and not the government thats doing their damnest to take away basic rights if we not vaxxed. Its the government, poloticians, and officials behind gentrication, abortion clinics on the black sides of towns. Its the government thats behind Jim Crown, unequal pay for us, and allowing all these foreigners to come here and live comfortably in a land that we build and do not get to enjoy.
How you equated Pharaoh to unvaxxed people is embarassing. You are a lightweight and need to read and learn before opening your mouth.
Again, I use my words very carefully. And there's a reason for that.
Your buddy Nicole suffers from a rabid mind. And you can tell by the series of posts she's made in this thread. And the seriousness of her condition can be ascertained simply by considering the fact that no one mentioned her. She interjected herself in this. She's clearly not operating in proper condition. You should have gotten a clue that you were off base here when you have a rabid minded person like her siding with you. If a commonly known moron agrees with your point of view, you might want to re-evaluate your position.
With regards to the topic at hand. It's quite evident you lack the ability to reason or contemplate. This particular topic here is childs play and a self proclaimed "learned" man like yourself shouldnt have to be schooled but I'll school you anyway.
Pharoah was the king of the Egyptians. He was the end all be all decision maker. His decision to willfully ignore the warnings of the prophets cost him dearly.
But here's the thing, that boneheaded attitude did not just affect him. It affected everyone who were ruled under him...much like the decisions of the Republican Governors are affecting those living in their states. When a Governor of a state in the great United States of America insists on going against the advice of health professionals, what exactly would you call that? It's called hardening of the heart.