This is from a reader from that cnet blog you posted and in my opinion it sums up everything perfectly.
August 24 at 8:19 PM | Reader Mike writes : Hooray for Apple! I love Samsung. I have a Samsung netbook, several TVs, a fridge, washer and dryer, all by Samsung. But after educating myself on the extent of Samsung's infringement, it is clear to me they are totally at fault. Look at the damning internal documents that compare the Galaxy phone prototype to the iPhone, and the fundamental changes made to the Galaxy phone in order to better emulate the iphone prior to the actual release date. Look at Apple's warning to Samsung to stop copying their patents. Look at Apple's decision to offer Samsung licensing rights, keeping in mind their strategic relationship as Samsung was a key supplier to Apple, and Samsung's outright refusal. Look at Google warning to Samsung to stop blatantly copying the iPhone, and Samsung's refusal to do so. Samsung had multiple opportunities to do the right thing, and chose not to. The punishment should reflect their willful infringement, and perhaps award treble damages. I am not completely familiar with the law. But I believe innovation should be encouraged and protected. Apple took a huge calculated risk in introducing a phone in 2007. A product for which they had no prior experience with. They spent billions on developing the all touch screen and the OS that supported it, as well as putting an ecosystem in place that would allow developers to create even better, more individualized solutions for all of their users. Apple is putting billions of dollars into other people's pockets, including their own. But those people making money are truly innovating and providing great end user products and apps. For Samsung to outright steal in a matter of months what took Apple billions of dollars and a number of years to come up with, and for Samsung to profit from their actions without consequence, was an injustice. This will begin to right the ship. And I have faith that Samsung will introduce new concepts that even Apple may not have thought of, and this will spur true innovation. In the end, we as consumers will be rewarded with more original products and ideas.