Vanilla hoe-babble or was she speaking the truth?


All Star
Jun 27, 2014
There are only about 5 comments agreeing

People usually date the same level of attractiveness. Physical attraction matters, and you should want your woman to find you attractive. I would be mad as hell if my wife said she settled for me because I was nice, and she didn’t find me attractive. If you want real answers, read through this thread:

I dont think the issue is that. The issue is when most pick mates just becuz of the physical and then expect support or for anybody to care
if the relationship goes south, Simply or even mostly attractiveness would never be MY main thing in finding a mate, especially a serious one.

I wouldnt be like these goofy chicks be with dudes, "oh hes gotta be 6'5 cuz i want my child to be an athlete" how illogical is that?
Aug 16, 2017
I dont think the issue is that. The issue is when most pick mates just becuz of the physical and then expect support or for anybody to care
if the relationship goes south, Simply or even mostly attractiveness would never be MY main thing in finding a mate, especially a serious one.

I wouldnt be like these goofy chicks be with dudes, "oh hes gotta be 6'5 cuz i want my child to be an athlete" how illogical is that?
There is always the assumption that just because someone cares about looks, they don’t care about other things. There is also the assumption people who are less attractive have better personalities, and are better lovers, which is not true. An ugly person can cheat on you too. And a lot of less attractive men will try to humble a beautiful woman in order to get her to settle. That’s manipulation. That’s not a “nice guy”. As for women allegedly choosing the wrong man, that’s cap too, because some men will present themselves as one thing to get what they want, tell her what they want her to hear, then switch up. By that time, she already has feelings, and doesn’t want to leave. Women can switch up too. She’ll be nice in the beginning, then turn into a nightmare once she gets that ring.

But back to the false narrative that average and below average people are better partners, I think ugly people started that rumor. I’ve seen a ton of comments from women saying they gave an ugly man a chance, and he still acted up. Men will let go of nice women because we don’t find them attractive, or they’re boring, or not interesting, or any little thing, yet we expect women to have the lowest standards, and accept whatever they can get. The fact is, there are more attractive women than men, so some of those women would rather be alone than be with someone they don’t find attractive. A relationship requires a healthy sex life. That’s not going to happen if she has to force herself to give it to you. And you can definitely tell when she’s not into you physically.
Feb 12, 2015
One thing y’all gotta realize is that White women in particular put a lot of stake in considering a man “dateable” and therefore “marriageable”. You’ll have white women like Kelly Stafford who will laugh and keekee about their looser days when they were in the streets because in their mind those men that they were having casual sex with do not matter, at all.

What matters is finding a man who will marry and provide for you so you see a lot of white women who settle down with “nice” men who are not in the same looks department as them.
Funny. In the original clip where Kelly Stafford talked about tbis two years ago she casually said the backup QB was a "badboy" and Stafford is a big softie and good guy...... he been known how she rates him.. :francis:


Mar 11, 2022
The bolded is a straight up lie and has been proven to be a lie countless times by men and women alike.
Bruh that myth really needs to die. These women are way more visual than men

Them pop the balloons are straight proof.
Every time it’s women turn with the balloons, they’re quick to pop it.

The men actually wait for the women to talk and it gets so bad at times, the woman ends popping for them


Mar 11, 2022
There is always the assumption that just because someone cares about looks, they don’t care about other things. There is also the assumption people who are less attractive have better personalities, and are better lovers, which is not true. An ugly person can cheat on you too. And a lot of less attractive men will try to humble a beautiful woman in order to get her to settle. That’s manipulation. That’s not a “nice guy”. As for women allegedly choosing the wrong man, that’s cap too, because some men will present themselves as one thing to get what they want, tell her what they want her to hear, then switch up. By that time, she already has feelings, and doesn’t want to leave. Women can switch up too. She’ll be nice in the beginning, then turn into a nightmare once she gets that ring.

But back to the false narrative that average and below average people are better partners, I think ugly people started that rumor. I’ve seen a ton of comments from women saying they gave an ugly man a chance, and he still acted up. Men will let go of nice women because we don’t find them attractive, or they’re boring, or not interesting, or any little thing, yet we expect women to have the lowest standards, and accept whatever they can get. The fact is, there are more attractive women than men, so some of those women would rather be alone than be with someone they don’t find attractive. A relationship requires a healthy sex life. That’s not going to happen if she has to force herself to give it to you. And you can definitely tell when she’s not into you physically.
I’d rep if I could


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Can't listen at the moment, but women care about how you look, but it's more of a "are you presentable" kind of thing; do you dress decent, clean your nails, brush your teeth, do you smell, are you at least taller than her, are you not excessively fat, etc. I'm finding that the trifecta of getting women is:
  • Are you presentable; See above.
  • Are you gainfully employed, and make the same or more money than her, hold down the household if needed.
  • Do you make her feel safe; You aren't creepy, not an "overt" a$$hole, can fight, can you make her laugh...
Coupled with timing; Is she single, are you approaching at an approachable location, does she have some other undisclosed drama in the moment preventing her from being approached.

It seems complicated, and we can't always know, that's why we have to just take a chance as a man, but a lot of it is just rooted in historical biological and social/gender differences. But there is a formula to it. Being rich and handsome just accelerates your opportunities, nothing more nothing less. You don't always need it.

This is why you will see an average guy with a dime fairly often, they hit that trifecta at the right time.