USPS Crisis: Postmaster General slowing mail & in contact with Republican Party officials!


Bills Mafia
May 3, 2012
buffalo ny
Unless you have a plan that removes half of govt.(the republicans) i dont see your point.
Saying half of govt. is/will screw it up isnt an argument for it remaining under govt control, its an argument against...

Explain why delivery to rural areas should be left open to govt fukkery, instead of contracted to private carriers?
Yeah them private businesses like ups, fedex, DHL ect.. u do realize they relay on usps to deliver there packages? Especially in these rural spots. They call it the last mile.

Basically, if a private courier service had to drive miles upon miles to deliver a package , the gas burned and the hourly wages burned wouldn't be worth it. So the pass it on to usps to deliver it for them. Because usps is going to all them houses any damn way

USPS ,ups, fedex , DHL, are competitors, and they are allies at the same time. But u got trumps cock shoved down your damn throat so far u cant realize it. These current nongovernmental delivery companies need usps to survive, but foxnews didnt tell u that so u wont beleive it anywat


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Yeah them private businesses like ups, fedex, DHL ect.. u do realize they relay on usps to deliver there packages? Especially in these rural spots. They call it the last mile.
That infrastructure/those routes dont exist in the private sector because of govt mandate...

The USPS has two legally enforced monopolies, as per Title 39 of the US Code. One is over the delivery of anything defined as a “letter,” which is within certain size and weight limits. The second is over the use of your mailbox. That is correct: there are criminal violations if anyone puts anything in your mail box that is not US government approved “mail.” The US is the only country that I know having that latter monopoly, while most countries (including all 27 member EU countries) have done away with the first, the delivery monopoly.

Moreover, we could pay the associated cost(if any) to a private firm. No one will be left behind.
Several other countries have privatized their mailing system showing us the way.


Bills Mafia
May 3, 2012
buffalo ny
The post office was brought up in the constitution article 1 section 8.

The post office predates all these monopoly laws u speak of

And the reason their prices are so low is because they were never designed to be for profit, they were designed to provide for country


Jan 4, 2017
What about em...
They are going to go to the same place health insurance jobs go when we institute single payer.
:yeshrug:Trade offs.

These arent and shouldnt be looked at as job programs.

Cause it would save tax payer money.

What did u mean by that last line


Jan 4, 2017
I used to be a mail carrier and I use to ask them EVERY sunday and I repeat every sunday, why we gotta do Amazon packages. I know as a carrier 90% of our stuff was packages, people rarely got any mail unless you worked in a upscale area. Rich people get so much shyt in the mail vs working in the hood.

Back to my point, the post office barely made any profit on those sunday's doing sunday deliveries. I was getting crazy overtime and actually made more money than the post office did on the route I did for the day. If you factor in my pay, my insurance, gas they had to pay to fill the truck up and putting miles on those LLV'S that are like 40 years old.

The post office wastes crazy money, its like something crazy they pay for the academy you go to before you even touch mail. Just to hear someone talk and look at slide shows..

Huge plus sides, if you're a vet you got a job almost instantly, if you don't have a college degree etc not a bad job, I left because management was garbage and it would have took me like 5 years before I became regular. Which the turnover rate is insane because of all of that, instead of them trying to keep people, they'd rather work you to death.


But they got into the partnership with Amazon to try and make more money.
They got heavy Bill's to pay.

If the pension thing wasn't imposed.
They wouldn't have to work employees 6 and 7 days.... only to not make money and to kill employees.
It's a crazy system.

But it was wayyy better before


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
The Postal Service’s long-term problem
The Postal Service has been organized in several different ways across American history, but its modern paradigm, dating from the 1970s, dictates that the USPS is supposed to be a self-funded, independently operating public sector entity.

And at the core of that entity is a two-sided bargain. On the one hand, the Postal Service gets a monopoly on the provision of daily mail services. On the other hand, the Postal Service undertakes a series of public service obligations that a private company would not provide — most notably, daily mail delivery and flat postage rates regardless of where you live.

But the volume of first-class mail — the source of the lion’s share of USPS revenue and the cornerstone of both its monopoly and its universal service obligations — peaked in 2001 at 104 billion pieces of mail. Decline has been fairly steady since then, falling to just 55 billion pieces in 2019. The cost of meeting USPS’s basic service obligations, by contrast, has essentially remained steady, creating an obvious financial problem.

There’s little reason to think the decline of paper mail will reverse in the future, so one possible response would be to cut costs by closing post offices, canceling Saturday delivery, and laying off workers. Congress has generally opposed that, pushing the postal service to instead find new sources of revenue such as its parcel delivery business in which it competes with UPS, Federal Express, and other private companies.

A few other solutions have been floated, but none have taken hold. For instance, many people on the left would like to see laws changed to allow USPS to begin offering banking services to both increase revenue and create a public option that would compete with private banks. On the right, the general preference is to privatize postal services (which is what’s largely happened in Europe) and end the mix of special monopolies and special service obligations that currently governs postage.

Back in 2006, a lame-duck Republican Congress turned up the pressure on privatization by forcing the Postal Service to prefund decades of pension and retiree health costs through investments in low-yield government bonds. That onerous obligation made USPS technically insolvent before the coronavirus hit. But rather than achieving its apparent intended result of spurring privatization, in practice it mostly served to give privatization opponents something to complain about rather than addressing the underlying decline in USPS’s business model. Along the way, however, USPS did find a promising new line of business as a contractor delivering Amazon packages.

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
Unless you have a plan that removes half of govt.(the republicans) i dont see your point.
Saying half of govt. is/will screw it up isnt an argument for it remaining under govt control, its an argument against...

Explain why delivery to rural areas should be left open to govt fukkery, instead of contracted to private carriers?
We're going in circles now but the plan is to convince people to stop voting for a party full of crooks and swindlers every few years. Easier said than done obviously but it's an argument against voting for the party who is brazenly trying to tank the government agency with the highest approval rating.
... and there is no party of fiscal responsibility :rudy:

Like I said, one party consistently fukks up the budget and increases the deficit by catering to the rich, and the other one comes in and clean up the mess. Sounds like an argument that one of them is more fiscally responsible than the other. If you don't agree then I don't know what else to tell you. It's been happening for decades. It's happening right now.

Retiree Health Benefits Prefunding


:jbhmm:Not a word about the declining losses that prompted the concern and ultimately the mandate to fund pensions and not leave tax payers on the hook... nor the annual losses before that. Just a sole focus on the mandate... interesting.

:hubie:If you believe USPS was in great shape before, there really isnt getting through to you.
This data is from USPS
USPS still had a $900 million profit the year before the GOP hamstrung them with the funding requirement. And they estimated over $3 billion the next year without the requirement.


Nobody said they were perfect but most evaluations that I've seen have said they were doing just fine. Profits ebb and flow, you know this. If a few years of losses followed by billion dollar gains is your threshold for failure then wait until you hear about these corporations getting bailed out every decade by taxpayer money.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
What did u mean by that last line
A bailout would cost Tax payers... something like $13 billion the Postal Service would not have to repay.
google usps bailout proposal.

I believe the private sector as a whole should be allowed to fail. USPS should be privatized and allowed to fail as well :manny:
I reject the assertion made in this thread that they are the only possible way to deliver to rural areas.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
We're going in circles now but the plan is to convince people to stop voting for a party full of crooks and swindlers every few years. Easier said than done obviously but it's an argument against voting for the party who is brazenly trying to tank the government agency with the highest approval rating.

Like I said, one party consistently fukks up the budget and increases the deficit by catering to the rich, and the other one comes in and clean up the mess. Sounds like an argument that one of them is more fiscally responsible than the other. If you don't agree then I don't know what else to tell you. It's been happening for decades. It's happening right now.
Hemorrhaging money until they are voted out isnt a plan im ok with:yeshrug: