Tha Realest
Medal table was pretty even after swimming, America got a decent lead when track & field startedshowing support for the new pantomime villians
medal table was looking good until america took all those non-entity medals in the pool.
I hate when uninformed people speak on things and act like experts
Usain Bolt may be cheating, so may Tyson Gay... Shelly-Ann Fraser... Allyson Felix.... etc
olympic athletes are tested year-round. There is no "offseason." WADA handles the testing, and they run up on people at 4 o clock in the morning to test them. These athletes have to tell WADA - or whatever the WADA subsidiary in their country is - there whereabouts up to 48 hours before they are there because WADA can test them. So saying some idiotic stuff like, "Jamaica dont test there athletes" and "they dont get tested in the offseason" is misinformed tripe I expect of people who only watch these guys every 4 years.
and BOBN is kind of correct about American sports, btw. There is a problem with coaching and development in this country which no one wants to acknowledge.
Conte: World Anti-Doping Agency needs to beef up offseason steroid testing - NY Daily News
So that entire article is bunk?
And how can BOBN be right if the runners and swimmers from these foreign countries actually go to school and train in the USA? If our training and development were lacking compared to another nation then they would go there. That doesnt make any sense at all. Name the countries with better programs. And dont start naming shyt like soccer.
Conte: World Anti-Doping Agency needs to beef up offseason steroid testing - NY Daily News
So that entire article is bunk?
And how can BOBN be right if the runners and swimmers from these foreign countries actually go to school and train in the USA? If our training and development were lacking compared to another nation then they would go there. That doesnt make any sense at all. Name the countries with better programs.
Looks more like hatin, because America isnt winning. And the fact that he is the go to guy when it comes because he got caught. But he never gives names, he just say a number of athletes are cheatin. Well if he wants to clean the sport up then give names of who you suspect. No honour amongst thieves and cheats
You have the best facilities but they only came about because you was tryin to outcompete the Russians & East Germans & (other Communist countries), who training regimes/techniques and drugsall over Americas. So when these coachin brehs defected to America, the coachin got better alot better
carl lewis is just a mad fakkit, didnt he only run under 10 seconds like twice in his career, this nikka was on drugs as well
from 2 to 20Carl Lewis is a mad fakkit who only went under ten seconds 20 times in his career,
Carl Lewis was an amazing athlete but right now all he doing is flapping his gums. As some people said if Bolt and company were American he wouldn't say anything. Lots of runners in the Olympics who have won sprints have been of Jamaican decent ..eff this guy.
It's no coincidence American gymnastics were flabby and sick until Bella and Marta karoyli took over