US Sponsored “Color Revolution” Struggles in Hong Kong. UPDATE: US Target Xinjiang

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

22 November 2019

U.S. Opens Up Another Front in Its Cold War Against China as Congress Passes the “Hong Kong Democracy Act”

The Trump impeachment hearings give the illusion that voters in the United States have a choice between two different political parties: the Democrats and Republicans. The daily impeachment hearings dominate news headlines. Meanwhile, politicians of both parties have unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights And Democracy Act revealing how both wings of the American elite share the same visceral fear of China’s challenge to the American empire.

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, sums up nicely the flagrant hypocrisy of the American political elite with her declaration:

“The Congress is sending an unmistakable message to the world that the United States stands in solidarity with freedom-loving people of Hong Kong and that we fully support their fight for freedom. This has been a very unifying issue for us.”

The Hong Kong Democracy Act threatens China with sanctions if human rights are in Hong Kong are curtailed in any way. How ironic considering the United States stands full square behind the ongoing coup in Bolivia that recently removed the democratically elected President Evo Morales.

There are over 150 pieces of legislation awaiting Congressional approval that all aim to counter the growing power of Chinese capitalism. On the economic front these range from the China Technology Transfer Control Act to the Defending America’s 5G Future Act and Fair Trade With China Enforcement Act. Meanwhile, on the geo-political front we have the Tibetan Policy And Support Act and Uyghurs Human Rights Policy Act. If implemented these would massively ramp up the economic and geo-political tensions between the two superpowers.

If Trump approves the misnamed Hong Kong Democracy Act he will put in jeopardy any ‘phase 1’ trade deal deal with China. Wall Street investors fear that this political attack upon China could endanger the trade deal which they have been on tenterhooks for since last year.

Despite all of his aggressive bluster, Trump is desperate for a trade deal with China as the 2020 election inches nearer.

As I have outlined previously, the trade war, that Trump started back in spring 2018 when he bragged that winning trade wars was easy, poses a significant threat to the rapidly slowing global economy. Without the unprecedented and gigantic money printing of global central banks this year the world economy would already be in recession.

If Trump approves the Hong Kong Democracy Act it will clearly signal a major escalation of policy towards China. The Chinese one party state, having stoked up nationalist feeling amongst its population during the trade war, will find it very difficult to sign any ‘phase 1’ trade deal with the U.S. after such a blatant attack upon its sovereignty.

Not surprisingly, the Chinese government reacted with anger to news that the U.S. Congress had passed the Hong Kong Democracy Act. A Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said that the act undermined both countries interests in Hong Kong. Geng warned the U.S.:

“We urge the U.S. to grasp the situation, stop its wrongdoing before it’s too late, prevent this act from becoming law (and) immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs. If the U.S. continues to make the wrong moves, China will be taking strong countermeasures for sure.’’

Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned U.S. Defence Secretary William Cohen, during a meeting last Wednesday, that the act represented “a naked interference in China’s internal affairs,” which China would not tolerate.

The hubris of the United States knows no bounds as it launches such an overt attack upon its major rival. I don’t recall China lecturing the United States as its police forces violently crushed the Occupy Wall Street movement during the autumn of 2011.

The clock is ticking for the United States as more and more countries put increasing effort into trade deals that don’t use the U.S. dollar. This de-dollarisation is viewed very negatively by Washington as it threatens its ability to print huge quantities of money that finance its huge war machine used to police American interests around the world. More and more countries resent the use of the dollar as a weapon against any state not pursuing policies favourable to American corporations.

The American empire is aware that it has to act over the next period to contain China before initiatives such as the Made In China 2025 and the Belt and Road projects decisively swing the balance of economic power in Beijing’s favour.

The U.S. still has time to seek a rapprochement with China as urged by foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger on his visit to Beijing last year. He warned that there is a risk of “destroying hopes for the new world order,” if the two superpowers cannot come to some mutually beneficial agreement on trade.

The Hong Kong Democracy Act and the 150 pending pieces of anti-China legislation in Congress suggests that the American empire is moving towards confrontation towards China which poses great dangers in the volatile period ahead.
U.S. Opens Up Another Front in Its Cold War Against China as Congress Passes the "Hong Kong Democracy Act" - Global Research

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Chinese army volunteer to clean up Hong Kong

Published on Nov 18, 2019
Hong Kong protesters attacked police with arrows and gasoline bombs in clashes that began Saturday night at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Meanwhile, Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming, publicly lamented that Hong Kong is “sliding into chaos” and Chinese military units have volunteered to clean up the streets of Hong Kong, badly damaged by the ongoing protests. RT America’s Sara Montes de Oca reports for News.Views.Hughes.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Hong Kong’s opposition unites with Washington hardliners to ‘preserve the US’s own political and economic interests’

While claiming to fight for “self-determination,” Hong Kong opposition leaders are collaborating with regime-change neoconservatives in Washington to “preserve the US’s own political and economic interests.” A new DC lobbying front has become their base of operations.
By Ajit Singh

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on November 19, without any opposition. Despite loudly proclaiming to protect “human rights” and “democracy,” a closer look at this legislation reveals the imperial agenda underlying Washington’s actions in Hong Kong.

Behind its humanitarian cloak, the Senate bill advances the threat of economic sanctions in order to impose Washington’s foreign policy interests on China and the region, while turning up the heat on North Korea and Iran. At the same time, the bill pledges to “safeguard United States businesses in Hong Kong.”

The legislation is a long-term project of neoconservatives and leading Hong Kong opposition activists like Joshua Wong, a protest poster boy who has been present in meetings in Washington to develop the sanctions legislation since November 2016.

In fact, the act was passed in the immediate wake of a lobbying junket to the U.S. by prominent Hong Kong opposition figures, including Wong.

The September visit highlighted the opposition’s close bond with Washington, as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) – the engine of the U.S. regime change machine – recruited Hong Kong opposition leaders onto the board of a new DC-based anti-China front called the Hong Kong Democracy Council (HKDC).

“I credit Senator Rubio’s unwavering leadership in demanding action from the full Senate for today’s passage of S1838 by unanimous consent,” HKDC managing director Samuel Chu declared.

While claiming to be struggling for Hong Kong’s “self-determination,” the opposition is openly coordinating with Washington, and aiming at nothing less than surrendering Hong Kong to the U.S.’s geo-strategic agenda.


Joshua Wong testifies before Congress in support of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on September 17, 2019
Hong Kong activists and Congress push legislation to advance U.S. regional interests
As part of an international tour to build support for the Hong Kong protests, Wong and several prominent opposition figures traveled to Washington in September to lobby Congress to “take action” against China.

As Dan Cohen reported for The Grayzone, Wong has been previously “trumpeted in Western media as a ‘freedom campaigner,’ promoted to the English-speaking world through his own Netflix documentary, and rewarded with the backing of the U.S. government.”

Testifying on Capitol Hill before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), headed by neoconservative Senator Marco Rubio, Wong and others lobbied U.S. lawmakers to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.

The legislation would amend the Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, which governs U.S. relations with Hong Kong. The new act would direct the U.S. government to regularly assess and certify “whether Hong Kong is sufficiently autonomous from China”.

Yet according to the act, the question of Hong Kong’s autonomy appears to directly correspond to how closely the city toes the line of Washington’s foreign policy agenda.

First, the bill requires the U.S. government to closely scrutinize whether Hong Kong “enforce sanctions imposed by the United States” against North Korea and Iran in particular, along with any other country that Washington deems “present a threat to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States.”

Second, the legislation requires the U.S. government to closely scrutinize whether Hong Kong enforces U.S. export control laws and trade policy in relation to China, aiming to “safeguard United States businesses in Hong Kong from economic coercion and intellectual property theft.”

If the U.S. government finds that such “fundamental freedoms and autonomy in Hong Kong” are being undermined — i.e., that Hong Kong is not sufficiently advancing the interests of U.S. foreign policy, in terms of sanctions against Officially Designated Enemies and the Trump administration’s trade war with China — the new act provides legal justification for the U.S. to impose sanctions on China.

By working with Washington to pressure Hong Kong into aligning with U.S. foreign policy or face an escalation in economic warfare, the opposition has discredited it own claims to be fighting for “autonomy,” or “self-determination.”

Indeed, its willingness to sacrifice the city’s independence to Washington’s imperial interests in the region has been laid bare.

Tacitly endorsing lethal Hong Kong street violence
The Senate legislation also exposes Washington’s tacit endorsement of the increasingly violent actions of protesters.

Hong Kong opposition lobbyists have worked with Washington to “strengthen the bill” by removing the requirement that protesters be “peaceful” in order to apply for U.S. visas without obstruction. This provision makes it abundantly easier for violent protesters to flee to the U.S.

Sunny Cheung, an opposition activist who testified before Congress alongside Wong, cheerfully declared that “this strengthened version [of the U.S. congressional bill was] the achievement of Hong Kong’s various lobbying groups.”

In recent weeks, Hong Kong protesters have murdered a 70-year old street cleaner with a brick, and attempted to kill another resident who disagreed with them by setting him on fire.

Hong Kong rioters have used molotov cocktails and flaming arrows and even developed bombs using propane tanks.

By offering impunity to those who commit such extreme violence, Hong Kong opposition lobbyists and the U.S. government have signaled their tacit approval of these ghastly acts and many more to come.


HKDC press conference with Joshua Wong, Denise Ho in Washington on October 29
Hong Kong activists unite with NED and U.S. regime change establishment
The opposition’s symbiotic relationship with Washington was further underscored by the establishment of a brand new Hong Kong lobbying organization in Washington.

The Hong Kong Democracy Council has brought leading Hong Kong activists together with prominent members of Washington’s foreign policy establishment with the aim of “pushing the US to uphold its commitment to Hong Kong’s basic freedoms and autonomy and to preserve the US’s own political and economic interests in Hong Kong.”

This nakedly imperialist language further highlights how far the Hong Kong opposition has strayed from its stated mission to preserve “autonomy” and “self-governance.”

HKDC was launched on September 16, 2019, with Wong and other Hong Kong opposition figures attending the opening reception.

The organization features a number of prominent Hong Kong activists as board members. These include:

  • Anna Yeung-Cheung, founder of New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong (NY4HK).
  • Joseph Ng, a senior software engineer at U.S. weapons manufacturer Leidos, formerly known as SAIC, whose top client is the US Department of Defense.
  • Samuel M. Chu, son of the Rev. Chu Yiu Ming, a veteran and leading pro-democracy organizer in Hong Kong who was the co-founder of Occupy Central that led to the Umbrella Movement in 2014.
In addition, the advisory board features leading movement figures such as:

  • Nathan Law, who along with Wong and other activists co-founded the political party Demosistō in 2016.
  • Lee Cheuk Yan, a long-time Hong Kong politician and member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong from 1995 to 2016
  • Alex Yong-Kang Chow, former secretary-general of the Hong Kong Federation of Students during the 2014 Umbrella Movement.
  • Jeffrey Ngo, Chief Researcher and standing committee member for Demosistō
This group of leading Hong Kong activists, politicians and Demosistō party members advocating “self-determination” have joined with leading figures of Washington’s regime-change establishment.

HKDC communications director Samuel Chu did not respond to an emailed request for comment.

The majority of HKDC’s advisory board is made up of members of the NED, the Open Society Foundations of anti-communist billionaire George Soros, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Freedom House.

These figures include:

  • Michael C. Davis, a global fellow at the U.S. government funded Woodrow Wilson International Center and previously the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy (2016-2017).
  • Larry Diamond, senior consultant at the International Forum for Democratic Studies of the National Endowment for Democracy, and author of the recently published Russiagate tract, Ill Winds: Saving Democracy from Russian Rage, Chinese Ambition, and American Complacency. During the so-called Arab Spring, Diamond worked to influence the Middle Eastern and North African uprisings in support of US geo-strategic interests, while co-opting progressive political space through now-defunct projects like the “Free Arabs” web magazine.
  • Sharon Hom, Executive Director of Human Rights in China (HRIC), long-time grantee of the NED. Hom testified before Congress alongside Joshua Wong and Denise Ho in support of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.
  • Jerome A. Cohen, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, which as The Grayzone has detailed, is one of the most prominent think tanks promoting U.S. foreign policy interests.
  • Andrew J. Nathan, a member and former chair of the board for the NED-funded organization, Human Rights in China, and a member of the board of the NED.
  • Thomas E. Kellogg, former Director of the East Asia Program at the Open Society Foundations of anti-communist billionaire George Soros. At OSF, he oversaw the expansion of the Foundation’s work in China and also launched its work on Taiwan and North and South Korea.
  • Annie Wilcox Boyajian, Director of Advocacy at Freedom House, which as The Grayzone has previously noted is “a notorious right-wing lobby group almost entirely bankrolled by Washington that is heavily invested in regime-change operations against foreign adversaries.”
The tight coordination between the Hong Kong opposition and the regime change-obsessed U.S. foreign policy establishment is now undeniable.

Far from righteous freedom fighters struggling for “self-determination,” leaders of the Hong Kong opposition have mobilized behind a singular goal of handing over their city to Washington’s imperial agenda

Hong Kong’s opposition unites with Washington hardliners to ‘preserve the US’s own political and economic interests’