Angola has been doing business with China for over the last decade now.China is offering to build the shyt for less and can provide the man power to make sure it gets done quickly. It's got millions of workers who will jump at the chance to hustle and make money.
Meanwhile over here we just elected a president that calls countries in Africa "shythole(s)"
China has set an example for the rest of the world. They are looking at their model and seeing if they can emulate it.
The choice is pretty clear for most developing nations.
A: a country that just told them "we are exactly as racist as you thought" by electing a blatant white supremacist as president all the while all the markers of stability in the country are eroding in real time. With cities literally crumbling while it's elected officials refuse to fund infrastructure bills.
B: the only country to ever lift over 300 million people out of poverty within less than 3 decades and who is rapidly becoming a leader in technology and sustainable development. This same country is continuously building massive, sophisticated cities and investing in high speed, publicly accessible transportation.
Do you bet on the horse with rabies that refuses to eat and bites people who try to feed it, or the pony that has a healthy appetite and is choosing to run laps and rest at appropriate times?
Imagine a US president telling China they won’t challenge them or attempt to be number 1.
Did you dummies know China lent Angola billions and let them pay it back in oil?
Angola couldn’t get enough “investments” or profit to keep the fields really going or grow them.
Because China was getting all the oil as part of the debt repayment
Then China started buying a bunch of Russian oil and stopped taking a bunch of Angola oil and told Angola we can figure this out later![]()
How about actually focusing on making sure we have competent and affordable national railroad system in the U.S.? Amtrak pretty much makes no sense financially to most Americans. $210 to go from NYC to Miami on a 28 hour trip. I found plane tickets as cheap as $75 with the average low to mid hundreds. Why would anyone take Amtrak? Let's hope the $66 billion allocated leads to some real improvements.
This isn't a very strong argument because of the cold war. We don't teach the Chinese role much in the west. I basically had to go to college to learn anything about it, but they were very active.
China was acting a fool in Korea, Vietnam ,Thailand, Cambodia, burma, Laos, etc and is directly connected to the atrocities and genocides of South East Asia . They were too busy training insurge nts and destabling govts in Asia to focus on Africa.
There were a few noticable exceptions such as China's support for the Biafra regime. Ironically, they worked with France on that one and funneled guns in hopes of breaking the Nigerian union. China also funneled weapons into Angola in hopes of controlling the newly found country and differentiating themselves from the Soviets after their ideological split.
I admit they have chilled out during Xi and Jintao era, but they were very active in destabalization in the years prior.
Angola has been doing business with China for over the last decade now.
they've already built their passenger and other line that started from Luanda. thet hasn't amounted to anything.
it's not line China built rail line have a history of profiting. look at Kenya's sgr
Long watch but I saw this the other week, interesting break down of why africa doesn't currently have extensive rail lines, ports, or river barges etc
If they use local workers and the governments negotiate payments of each load of raw materials being transported, it’s a win.
How do they handle long term maintenance? Do they train local personnel to become specialists, or just bring foreigners?They always use local labour. The initiation planning execution monitoring and closure they look for people outside whove worked on large rail projects previously. The American companies who have extensive rail projects experience internationally are Bechtel and KBR and they will want Western Project Controls people on the job. Same with the contract managers. So anyone who has worked on mega scale rail projects like Qatar and Saudi within the last decade will have a lot of interest.