Never understood how people discussing, projecting, even dropping spoilers on a movie...spoiled a movie for people.

Me can break down EVERY detail of the movie and I still enjoy the movie.
Some of the best movie-watching experiences of my life were films that I had no idea what was going on coming in.
Purposely didn't watch the
Black Panther trailer or read anything before I saw it. Thought it was WAY more fresh that way.
Was at a friend's house when I was a kid and his dad just turned on
Frequency, thought it was just some firefighters and then the weird supernatural shyt started happening. It probably isn't even a great flick, but if I had known it was a sci-fi film coming in then the impact of the crazy shyt wouldn't have been nearly as good.
Momento when you have no idea what's gonna happen?
I just saw
Leave No Trace in the plane. I had no idea if they would ever even make it out of the woods, what would happen to them after the woods, etc. The trailer ruins all of that, I think it is WAY better when you watch the flick and think they might be in the woods the whole time, or something might happen, and you just don't know.
I'll still enjoy a movie if I've seen spoilers. But when you REALLY don't know which way the movie will turn?
Take a look at that scene when they meet the family. We all know that's coming now. But if you didn't know what was gonna happen?
The reveal that it is "us" there, if you didn't know those were the bad guys?
What if you thought the whole movie might take place that night, like a typical horror flick? Then you get thrown for a total loop when it goes into the next day, another night, into school buildings or whatever that weird place with the rabbits is, etc.
I just feel like the experience is so much more live when you don't know what's coming next or what the possibilities even are.