Can't tell if Wanda Sykes is on some
with some of the writing in this 

oh godBUT@ the homo son reveal in episode 4
I’m with you - the influx of corny sitcoms, slave movies, black trauma porn; our experiences are not always for entertainment. I’m over it. This is sooooo exhausting. Tired of these Tyler Perry-esque scenes on repeat. Godfrey needs his own show- that would be a saving grace right now but he makes the whites uneasy, doesn’t c00n it up and actually stands for something, so that’s not happening.@LaBellaNicole0416.NYC i would love to see something set in Martha’s Vineyard
just some fly shyt
I’m sick of family sitcoms and black traumas
And half breed struggle stor
oh god
At this point, YouTube is my go to source for comedy bc people can be free to be themselves and it’s way more authentic/creative while providing actual laughs.@LaBellaNicole0416.NYC i would love to see something set in Martha’s Vineyard
just some fly shyt
I’m sick of family sitcoms and black traumas
And half breed struggle stor
oh god
@til novemberMike Epps and Kim kid together. Wanda and Mike brought it up he got Kim pregnant with him in high school
Show is trash.
@til november
How inspiring - another “lol teen pregnancy turned adult struggle situation comedy” . Let me guess Kim Fields is extra sassy and rolls her eyes at least 5 times per scene. First few minutes in episode 1-the little girl is pouring syrup in her cereal; they make a joke about diabetes and being broke. Mike Epps proceeds to say “ forget the coffee, I got something hot and black waiting for you right now”
Yeah ....No. next
Yeah that immediately turned me off. Knew I wasn't the only one who wasYup.
I watched the first episode this morning and I probably won't watch again. Show is too ignorant in some ways for me. Mike Epps character is a irresponsible married man with a ghetto ass baby mama on the side that's a worthless parent. I'm good on all that shyt.
This show is bad, no wonder yall be running around “Netflix is the GOAT”, some of y’all watch anything