Let me get this out of the way first; y'all sound like idiots saying Alexa ripped off Sasha's gimmick when y'all been calling Alexa Bliss a one note Mean Girl's clone for years. Unless you're saying that's what Sasha Banks is.
And she isn't, which is why it's so dumb in the first place.
Anywhoodles, this was a great re-debut for Banks. Heeling on Nattie was one thing (wasn't Nattie the heel in the short Becky fued) but beating down Lynch who was starting to seem like a quasi heel herself really cemented Banks as something to be taken seriously and should reestablish Lynch as a tough but LIKEABLE babyface.
Some of the stanning y'all do for Banks is way over the top and borderline obsessive/creepy but I will admit she does have "it" and while she isn't the best in promos other characteristics she displays helps her get her gimmick/motivations across better than a scripted WWE promo would anyway.
She showed a level of viciousness I haven't seen a female in the E show in a while and I hope they keep that unique to her. I mean Charlotte was doing it as a face/tweener but for whatever reason dropped it when she turned heel. So let Banks be the one to display that violence. It definitely ups the stakes in the division.

Anywhoodles, this was a great re-debut for Banks. Heeling on Nattie was one thing (wasn't Nattie the heel in the short Becky fued) but beating down Lynch who was starting to seem like a quasi heel herself really cemented Banks as something to be taken seriously and should reestablish Lynch as a tough but LIKEABLE babyface.
Some of the stanning y'all do for Banks is way over the top and borderline obsessive/creepy but I will admit she does have "it" and while she isn't the best in promos other characteristics she displays helps her get her gimmick/motivations across better than a scripted WWE promo would anyway.
She showed a level of viciousness I haven't seen a female in the E show in a while and I hope they keep that unique to her. I mean Charlotte was doing it as a face/tweener but for whatever reason dropped it when she turned heel. So let Banks be the one to display that violence. It definitely ups the stakes in the division.