Update: New Trailer: Who killed Malcolm X(official thread) premieres on Netflix February 7th

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
This show was just...:wow:

The fact that community went out the way to protect that man and shyt on the name of Malcolm just left me :pacspit:

Dude even changed his last name to Shabazz too like :gucci:

It’s nice the FBI is reopening the case but he damage is done.
NYPD is re-opening it. The feds already know who did it....they knew before the shooting happened.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Malcolm lied about going to mecca and getting this revelation on race , he was making a gesture to become a more likable leader, truth is malcolm been to mecca 3 times and made hajj prior. He knew already it was white muslims

Getting Americans mad was not the only reason elijah Muhammad didnt want him speaking on Kennedy death , the noi was just establishing a nationwide prison program and many of the members were in jail, most of the people running these prisons at that moment malcolm made the chickens coming home to roost comments were catholic like Kennedy and after malcolm made those comments it not led to them losing their ability to speak in the prisons but many of the noi members behind bars were beaten severely.

Malcolm knew prior to revealing Elijah other wives that elijah had them because it was a matter that got settled in 1962. Malcolm also knew these were not "teenage secretaries " mainly because he actually used to smash one of them , sis Evelyn. He lied about it for 1 because he was upset elijah was crunching one of his old women, but 2 because malcolm was losing that house and was trying to make a power play to get elijah in a law suit malcolm was trying to put together with the other women to sue Elijah again because malcolm wanted to keep that house.

Malcolm knew the capabilities of the foi because malcolm trained them! The harlem security had a street name called the "pipe boys" where anyone who was disrespectful to elijah got bust in the mouth with the pipe. Malcolm just disciplined a brother by the name of I think rodney for doing the same thing malcolm eventually did which was break protocol and then take a private matter public. Malcolm was a good brother but he was a strict vicious disciplinarian , which is why so many brothers were mad at him for what he did because they thinking you had us breaking fingers and pipe to the head to others but you would soon do the same? That's why they kept calling him hypocrite.


1)How could Malcolm have gone to Mecca 3 times BEFORE he was sanctioned/approved to go in 1964?
Malcolm had traveled to that region of the world before, but not to Mecca. Experiencing the hajj is probably a life altering experience for most people, for a person going through the turmoil that he was at the time......it was probably even more impactful for him

2)How was the matter settled in 1962, when two of the women filed a paternity suit against Elijah Muhammad in July 1964? A legal matter that wasn't settled until years later.

Gladys Towles Root and families
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G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
1)How could Malcolm have gone to Mecca 3 times BEFORE he was sanctioned/approved to go in 1964?
Malcolm had traveled to that region of the world before, but not to Mecca. Experiencing the hajj is probably a life altering experience for most people, for a person going through the turmoil that he was at the time......it was probably even more impactful for him

2)How was the matter settled in 1962, when two of the women filed a paternity suit against Elijah Muhammad in July 1964? A legal matter that wasn't settled until years later.

Dude was obviously lying on Malcolm and people who don't know history instantly believed him. I asked him for receipts and he hasn't been back since :coffee:

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Dude was obviously lying on Malcolm and people who don't know history instantly believed him. I asked him for receipts and he hasn't been back since :coffee:
In these threads, it's hard to tell whether people are just not recalling info correctly, repeating false info that they've read, or just making false claims.

I've been corrected in threads where the person just knew more about a topic than I did. I accepted the new info, thanked the person, and kept it moving. I thought that was the standard procedure in discussions of history.

In this case, I will give the poster the benefit of the doubt that he was called out/questioned about comments and he is going back to his sources to re-read and then come back with a response. His lack of a quick response can actually be good thing. Proves he's not just using search engines, but going back to his old source info.

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
In these threads, it's hard to tell whether people are just not recalling info correctly, repeating false info that they've read, or just making false claims.

I've been corrected in threads where the person just knew more about a topic than I did. I accepted the new info, thanked the person, and kept it moving. I thought that was the standard procedure in discussions of history.

In this case, I will give the poster the benefit of the doubt that he was called out/questioned about comments and he is going back to his sources to re-read and then come back with a response. His lack of a quick response can actually be good thing. Proves he's not just using search engines, but going back to his old source info.
We shall see.


Jun 26, 2012
Malcolm lied about going to mecca and getting this revelation on race , he was making a gesture to become a more likable leader, truth is malcolm been to mecca 3 times and made hajj prior. He knew already it was white muslims

Getting Americans mad was not the only reason elijah Muhammad didnt want him speaking on Kennedy death , the noi was just establishing a nationwide prison program and many of the members were in jail, most of the people running these prisons at that moment malcolm made the chickens coming home to roost comments were catholic like Kennedy and after malcolm made those comments it not led to them losing their ability to speak in the prisons but many of the noi members behind bars were beaten severely.

Malcolm knew prior to revealing Elijah other wives that elijah had them because it was a matter that got settled in 1962. Malcolm also knew these were not "teenage secretaries " mainly because he actually used to smash one of them , sis Evelyn. He lied about it for 1 because he was upset elijah was crunching one of his old women, but 2 because malcolm was losing that house and was trying to make a power play to get elijah in a law suit malcolm was trying to put together with the other women to sue Elijah again because malcolm wanted to keep that house.

Malcolm knew the capabilities of the foi because malcolm trained them! The harlem security had a street name called the "pipe boys" where anyone who was disrespectful to elijah got bust in the mouth with the pipe. Malcolm just disciplined a brother by the name of I think rodney for doing the same thing malcolm eventually did which was break protocol and then take a private matter public. Malcolm was a good brother but he was a strict vicious disciplinarian , which is why so many brothers were mad at him for what he did because they thinking you had us breaking fingers and pipe to the head to others but you would soon do the same? That's why they kept calling him hypocrite.

There's more but I think those are the most egregious . This is also not to say the foi didnt do some dirty shyt too as it is fact that foi were catching malcolm people lacking on several occasions and beating the hell out of them. And there was a foiled plan to blow malcolm up in a car so again the noi is not innocent.

The series also kinda minimizes the fbi , specifically bossi role a bit, for 1 out of the 6 accomplices , only 2 of them were actually muslims and thomas hayer was like a muslim for like a month or some shyt lol. And william Bradley def worked for bossi they have files of their meetings.

In the end it was just a a ton of unfortunate circumstances being manipulated by the fbi ending in the death of one of our greatest.

Well, the documentary didn't focus much on his trip to Mecca in general because it didn't focus on the actual investigation EXCEPT for the fact that the FBI & CIA was following him when he took those FBI trips.

Even though the documentary was protective of Malcolm due to the dude's love for the man, the documentary did provide insight that Malcolm was a bit salty and bitter at the nation and due to being bitter was why he spilled the tea and Elijah's infidelities with teenaged girls.

The point of Malcolm X getting banned was two-fold which they did truthfully showed in the documentary. First it was due to jealousy between Elijah's family and Malcolm, because of the fact Malcolm was becoming a bit too popular and more exposed publicly which was both beneficial in boosting membership but detrimental to the NOI image. The Kennedy assassination was a set up REGARDLESS to ensure they quiet Malcolm because they know Malcolm was going to say something even if it was asked. So, it wasn't just because of self-interests. It'll be crazy to logically think that JFK's assassination would prevent them in getting anything done in the prisons. Especially off Malcolm's comments. If you ask me, that a weak excuse. I think it was what they intended in doing to begin with but needed a valid reason to quiet him because he was getting more popular than Elijah.

As for the FBI involvement. They did go into good detail in showing the lengths they went into their meddling as well the NYPD. They has moles and informant's from both sides. They wire tapped both Malcolm and the NOI and end the end the documentary STRONGLY implied that the FBI invested the killers from Newark to murder Malcolm. Even went as far to say there were 9 agents inside the ballroom when it went down. Even had on file but never gave that information to the NYPD. So, it's definitely pointed at the FBI.

The truth is, I wouldn't say Malcolm was doing anything grimy with the exception of spilling the tea about the teenaged girls. I will say Malcolm while at the NOI was feeling himself as being that dude and it rubbed the minister's the wrong way. I do feel Malcolm was already frustrated and a bit envious of other civil rights leaders making moves and taking action wheres the NOI wasn't doing anything and made that known to them in private. The FBI having moles in the nation to spread division and lies was what set up the split. I feel without needing to go deep into detail it showed how much the FBI and NYPD were the ones responsible for the split.

But as for the assassination itself, it's pointless to even point out anything grimy that Malcolm did because the NOI aren't the ones who killed Malcolm and therefore the beef they had was irrelevant aside of the fact that it existed and the FBI used it as fuel to stage Malcolm's demise.

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
Well, the documentary didn't focus much on his trip to Mecca in general because it didn't focus on the actual investigation EXCEPT for the fact that the FBI & CIA was following him when he took those FBI trips.

Even though the documentary was protective of Malcolm due to the dude's love for the man, the documentary did provide insight that Malcolm was a bit salty and bitter at the nation and due to being bitter was why he spilled the tea and Elijah's infidelities with teenaged girls.

The point of Malcolm X getting banned was two-fold which they did truthfully showed in the documentary. First it was due to jealousy between Elijah's family and Malcolm, because of the fact Malcolm was becoming a bit too popular and more exposed publicly which was both beneficial in boosting membership but detrimental to the NOI image. The Kennedy assassination was a set up REGARDLESS to ensure they quiet Malcolm because they know Malcolm was going to say something even if it was asked. So, it wasn't just because of self-interests. It'll be crazy to logically think that JFK's assassination would prevent them in getting anything done in the prisons. Especially off Malcolm's comments. If you ask me, that a weak excuse. I think it was what they intended in doing to begin with but needed a valid reason to quiet him because he was getting more popular than Elijah.

As for the FBI involvement. They did go into good detail in showing the lengths they went into their meddling as well the NYPD. They has moles and informant's from both sides. They wire tapped both Malcolm and the NOI and end the end the documentary STRONGLY implied that the FBI invested the killers from Newark to murder Malcolm. Even went as far to say there were 9 agents inside the ballroom when it went down. Even had on file but never gave that information to the NYPD. So, it's definitely pointed at the FBI.

The truth is, I wouldn't say Malcolm was doing anything grimy with the exception of spilling the tea about the teenaged girls. I will say Malcolm while at the NOI was feeling himself as being that dude and it rubbed the minister's the wrong way. I do feel Malcolm was already frustrated and a bit envious of other civil rights leaders making moves and taking action wheres the NOI wasn't doing anything and made that known to them in private. The FBI having moles in the nation to spread division and lies was what set up the split. I feel without needing to go deep into detail it showed how much the FBI and NYPD were the ones responsible for the split.

But as for the assassination itself, it's pointless to even point out anything grimy that Malcolm did because the NOI aren't the ones who killed Malcolm and therefore the beef they had was irrelevant aside of the fact that it existed and the FBI used it as fuel to stage Malcolm's demise.