dennis roadman
nuclear war in my bag
lebron is gonna go play in israel for a year and make them love him. then come back at sterling with the most powerful
of all time

lebron is gonna go play in israel for a year and make them love him. then come back at sterling with the most powerfulof all time
Breh, black people are so destroyed and have such a low self worth that they almost refuse to take a stand for themselves and cacs know it. All this c00nin and cowardliness is sickening.
i was likeI hope OKC hangs 140 on these fukkboys tonight
thats because its easy for lebron, kobe etc to talk tough when they dont play for the team in question. if he really wanted to make a point, hed have sat out a couple games directly after this happened in protest, during that cakewalk of a first round series. "oh i wouldnt play for the clippers tonight" yet you suited up and played for another team in the nba that very night. fukk outta here with those pointless ass threats
"we are one"
"i wouldnt play for the clippers next game"
*only turns warm up shirt inside out while playing for a team in the very league that condoned and supported sterlings bigoted actions over the course of many years*
it would be this generation ali not going to vietnamnot to take anything away from that.
Lebron has a black fiance and black children, hes instilling values and showing them not to tapdance for racist cacs but take a stand, if im chris paul son i aint even looking at him anymore id be on some :snoopkid:
it would be this generation ali not going to vietnamnot to take anything away from that.
Lebron has a black fiance and black children, hes instilling values and showing them not to tapdance for racist cacs but take a stand, if im chris paul son i aint even looking at him anymore id be on some :snoopkid: