I'm not angry and I never was angry I'm just frustrated with how black people continuously take up for preachers of all races that don't practice what they preach.
I feel you, but with expectations comes disappointment. When you start expecting shyt out of individuals or groups of people, you will almost always experience disappointment/frustration.
People take up for preachers cause they are brainwashed or truly have faith in those people/churches. And at the end of the day, what the fukk can you do about it? Everyone's spirituality is individual. If they want to put their faith in certain people/churches/religions that look fraudulent to the next man, then you have to let them. Everyone has their own path.
The important thing for you to do is practice self mastery. You can't save the world and if you could, it would tell you it was straight. Kind of how you can't save a hoe. They don't wanna be saved. Also there is no such thing as right and wrong. So nobody's right an nobody's wrong.