Brehs we get and respect that this is your London slang and more power to you but could you explain to us so we can understand?
1. Why is that dude laughing in the video and what does that have to do with anything?
dude is from Zone 2 ,an opposing gang member to Harlem/Moscow
2. What are nittys, opps, cheffing,chinging,dotties and 44's?
44's=44 caliber handgun
3. What's Zone 2?
Opposition of Harlem & Moscow from a different London post code( area code in the US)
4. What or who are Harlem and Moscow?
gangs in south london
harlem = harlem spartans from kennington
moscow = moscow17 from brandon estate
5. So... what happened, who did what, how did it happen and who was the breh on the moped?