Unsurprisingly, Kid Rock on his MJ please, tells exactly what he thinks of black folks (new interview)


May 1, 2012
His baby mama


His son

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I’ll tell y’all again white folks in Detroit used to call Kid Rock a Wigger and did not want to be associated with him.

There are literally thousands of white men in SE Michigan who start out on some hip hop 8 mile fubu tip and then middle age turn into a MAGA republican racist. Its mind boggling seeing it in real time
Lotta Tri-state area cacs on this bullshyt too ... Listen to rap, adopt elements of hip hop fashion but be on some :mjpls: , the cognitive dissonance is wild

Had to have been wild to see in real time, but its consistent with history in this country.
They listen to Black music because it's cool entertainment. It doesn't change who they are or will become.

There's footage of white kids listening to Rock N Roll acts. Either real life concerts, or in films like this

Then grew up to think, act, and vote the same way their parents did.
Many of the "yo, I'm down" white kids who listened to Hip Hop aren't and won't be much different.

Whites who went to jazz clubs in the 1930s, the teeny boppers in the clip above, the White fans of Motown Records, etc etc Same deal.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Exactly. The January 6, 2021 attempted coup d’état was the American version of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch in Munich who was organized and coordinated by far right forces (nazis, anti-communists, anti-socialists, Jew haters, right wing paramilitary groups, reactionaries, traditional conservatives)

Just like the January 6 coup, the 1923 nazi coup in Munich failed. Many far right sympathizers were arrested, killed or imprisoned. State repression against the rioters was ferocious.

The putsch​

Erich Ludendorff on the cover of Time, 19 November 1923[17]
The putsch was inspired by Benito Mussolini's successful March on Rome.[18]From 22 to 29 October 1922, Hitler and his associates planned to use Munich as a base for a march against Germany's Weimar Republic government. But circumstances differed from those in Italy. Hitler came to the realisation that Kahr sought to control him and was not ready to act against the government in Berlin. Hitler wanted to seize a critical moment for successful popular agitation and support.[19] He decided to take matters into his own hands. Hitler, along with a large detachment of SA, marched on the Bürgerbräukeller, where Kahr was making a speech in front of 3,000 people.[20]

On the evening of 8 November 1923, 603 SA surrounded the beer hall and a machine gunwas set up in the auditorium. Hitler, surrounded by his associates Hermann Göring, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Hanfstaengl, Ulrich Graf, Johann Aigner, Adolf Lenk, Max Amann, Max Erwin von Scheubner-Richter, Wilhelm Adam, Robert Wagner and others (some 20 in all), advanced through the crowded auditorium. Unable to be heard above the crowd, Hitler fired a shot into the ceiling and jumped on a chair, yelling: "The national revolution has broken out! The hall is surrounded by six hundred men. Nobody is allowed to leave." He went on to state that the Bavarian government was deposed and declared the formation of a new government with Ludendorff.[21]

(They were directly inspired by the triumphant success of the fascist march on Rome a few months earlier, organized by the leader of the fascists, Benito Mussolini)

The March on Rome (Italian: Marcia su Roma) was an organized mass demonstration in October 1922 which resulted in Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party (Partito Nazionale Fascista, PNF) ascending to power in the Kingdom of Italy. In late October 1922, Fascist Party leaders planned a march on the capital. On 28 October, the fascist demonstrators and Blackshirt paramilitaries approached Rome; Prime Minister Luigi Facta wished to declare a state of siege, but this was overruled by King Victor Emmanuel III, who, fearing bloodshed, persuaded Facta to resign by threatening to abdicate. On 30 October 1922, the King appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister, thereby transferring political power to the fascists without armed conflict. On 31 October the fascist Blackshirts paraded in Rome, while Mussolini formed his coalition government.[1][2]

History rhymes


not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
The GOP of Bush Romney etc lead us here. Trump didn’t just appear out of a vortex and take over a political party. I’ve posted before about the famous Lee Atwater interview where he states that you can’t say n**** anymore and have to be subtle and say states rights, bussing, tax cuts etc and the result is blacks get hurt worse than whites. Trump is the result of this and decades of right wing media racial dog whistles. Trump just came along and said fukk all the subtlety. And the Republicans loved him for it as they had had enough of it.
Lily white movement in the Southern wing of the Republican Party during the reconstruction/early Jim Crow segregation era.

Three straight Republican presidents in 15 years, during the worst era of the nadir of race relations.

William McKinley 1897-1901/Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1908/ William Howard Taft 1908-1912 =all three presidents they were relatively indifferent towards black folks.

Herbert Hoovers indifference towards black folks and his failure to fulfill the promises he made to black Americans during the 1928 election. Many Black voters never forgot it and voted for FDR and his new deal program in 1932. Gradually over the years black people floxked to he Democratic Party(outside the south anyway, in the southetn states, until the civil rights act of 1964 and voting rights act of 1965, southern black people were second class citizens and couldn’t vote because of the poll tax, racism and disfranchisement)

Civil rights and Mexican Repatriation​

Further information: Lily-white movement and Mexican Repatriation
Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover aboard a train in Illinois
Hoover seldom mentioned civil rights while he was president. He believed that African Americans and other races could improve themselves with education and individual initiative.[194] Hoover appointed more African Americans to federal positions than Harding and Coolidge combined, but many African American leaders condemned various aspects of the Hoover administration, including Hoover's unwillingness to push for a federal anti-lynching law.[195] Hoover also continued to pursue the lily-white strategy, removing African Americans from positions of leadership in the Republican Party in an attempt to end the Democratic Party's dominance in the South.[196] Though Robert Moton and some other black leaders accepted the lily-white strategy as a temporary measure, most African American leaders were outraged.[197] Hoover further alienated black leaders by nominating conservative Southern judge John J. Parkerto the Supreme Court; Parker's nomination ultimately failed in the Senate due to opposition from the NAACP and organized labor.[198] Many black voters switched to the Democratic Party in the 1932 election, and African Americans would later become an important part of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal coalition.
1964 election. Barry Goldwater, senator from Arizona and the republican candidate for president, opposed the new civil rights act of 1964 that was recently signed into law that summer. He opposed this act because according to him it was unconstitutional and interfered against freedom of association between individuals. He argued that federal govemdbt shouldnt intervene on private people business and he supported states rights. In the 1964 elections, Lyndon Baines Johnson is elected Potus by a wide margin, as he won 44 states and 61.1% of the popular vote (the largest share of the popular vote ever won by a democratic candidate ever in history) 43,129,040 million of Americans voted for Johnson.

Only the home state of Arizona and The five states of the Deep South(Georgia, louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, and Mississippi) voted for Goldwater mainly because of his support for states rights and his opposition to the civil rights act of 1964.

Richard Nixon’s Southern strategy

August 3, 1980: Reagan’s presidential campaign speech in favour of states rights at the neshoba county fair in philadelphia, Mississippi (near the Mississippi burning triple murder of three young civil rights activists )

Former democrat turned republican Jesse helms allowed the racist political advertisement « hands » to air on prime time television back in 1990.

The rise of the Tea party and anti-Obama birthed movement in the late 2000s allowed the emergence of trump later. Tea party activists and birthers walked so that trump could run fast and fly high

[By 2016, Politico wrote that the Tea Party movement had died; however, it also said that this was in part because some of its ideas had been absorbed by the mainstream Republican Party.[31] CNBC reported in 2019 that the conservative wing of the Republican Party "has basically shed the tea party moniker".[32]
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