The shells lay out exactly who he was and why, or intentionally done to throw off the track, if it's more business connected, but you can maybe go with Occams razor. Stayed in a hostel. Either because he's actually from out of town, or he wanted to get the exact timing right and not miss him, due to traffic or some delay in the morning. Stayed in a hostel because he could maybe get away with no credit card, or he's used to hostels, due to his socioecomonic status. Knows how they work. There's dozens of anonymous business hotels nearby.
Hard to say, but I'm staying with my profile, that this is probably personal cause, as in he suffered some personal misfortune and is blaming the CEO, became fixated/radicalized
Not a professional hit, when the dude is inscribing the bullets.
Hard to say, but I'm staying with my profile, that this is probably personal cause, as in he suffered some personal misfortune and is blaming the CEO, became fixated/radicalized
Not a professional hit, when the dude is inscribing the bullets.