Amor fati
Oldberg Twitch eye, should be in the hall of fame for injuring all the dam wrestlers
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume its because he's changed since working with BretAnother thing, if he so dangerous and the most unprofessional wrestler why is he still getting booked? Why is he Universal Champion right now? Why would a broken down legend like the Undertaker ever agree to get into the ring with him if he's so dangerous and has a rep for hurting guys? Taker can pick and choose his opponents why choose the' unprofessional, always hurting guys' Goldberg? Then they put him in the ring with their younger talent, wouldn't they be worried he might hurt someone? It makes no sense.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume its because he's changed since working with Bret![]()
He still always praised hbks work
But he straight up despises Berg
Obviously in the early to mid 2000s brets sitting here watching all these guys have career comebacks and matches and if berg never ended his career bret couldve had some matches probably.
Goldberg deprived the world of a Bret v Kurt match![]()
LMAO so let me get this straight. Before working with Bret, Goldberg was one of the most dangerous and unprofessional workers in the history of wrestling, injuring guys left and right, just totally out of control. Then after working with Bret and through some sort of osmosis, he suddenly changes and becomes one of the safest, and most professional workers? Really? LOL.
Bret marks gonna Bret mark I guess...
What about before working with Bret? I don't remember him inuring anyone during that time either.
Where is list of guys that the 'most unprofessional' worker ever put out besides Bret? Bret makes it sound like he injured the whole damn roster but the evidence doesn't seem to back it up.
Sounds like more sour grapes from the Hitman.
Most likely you are correct
But there is the possibility that Goldberg hurt guys without 'taking them out' and it was just known backstage and Bret considered Goldberg an overall shytty worker because of that.
Now, me personally, I adhere to innocent until proven guilty but it's not 100% impossible that Bret has a point given that we do have other sources like DDP saying that Goldberg worked himself into a shoot and didn't want to miss the first spear in their match together cause he was such a meatheaded mark (DDP said it in a nice way, but this is what I got from that story).
I could see Goldberg spearing people at 100% strength and slamming down too hard, and the boys not wanting to complain about it.... but who really knows??
@ Honky Tonk catching a stray at 1:04:50