Don't fall for the cac myth. Population growth is the key to an African revival. Its is not something we should be scared of. More people of our race is never a bad thing. Its good.
Would it be good if they stayed in Nigeria?
Don't fall for the cac myth. Population growth is the key to an African revival. Its is not something we should be scared of. More people of our race is never a bad thing. Its good.
Don't fall for the cac myth. Population growth is the key to an African revival. Its is not something we should be scared of. More people of our race is never a bad thing. Its good.
Planned, measured population growth is good.
Nigeria, for instance has no plan to employ over 300 million youths which will be in the country by 2050. It will create chaos, crime and mass migration
By 2050 there will be no jobs anywhere. The artificial intelligence movement will be complete. The world of 2050 will be completely different from the world of today. That is why this population growth doesn't bother me.