Was mlk exposed for using glorified hookers for sex?
If I had kids and there principal was found fukin hookers or there teacher was a stripper Ya I would be just as outraged
You're being obtuse. It makes no difference whether it's hookers or just thots. You're trying to use a moral argument about someone's personal conduct as a means to discredit their public mission. When their personal conduct has no relation to their public mission.
MLK cheated on his
wife. Hookers or not, those women engaged in sexual relations with a married man. That DOES NOT take away from what he did socially and politically.
Dr. Umar Johnson is single and had sex with a woman. Yes, she was stripper but neither is married or in a relationship. You and others are convicting him for having sex. In spite of the
FAKE outrage, that act does not take away from what he's doing socially.
You're engaging in nikkadry and fake n#gga outrage. I don't take your argument seriously. Let's just end it here.