I`m not romanticizing anyone. At the end of the day people put to much stock in Others just to find kinks in another man as to why one won't do something. People will say what has the NOI, Umar, Tariq, etc done and why dont they do this or that, and that is find and dandy if you are a woman looking for a man to lead you, but any many who utters why someone is doing or isn't doing something else is pathetic. Everything people charge someone else for doing or not doing they can be doing themselves. Someone mentioned why isn the FOI patrolling the streets of Chicago and they are but even then if they save 10 lives people will stay say they did not do nothing, so I ask why dont you do what you want these other men to do.
Pure truth.
nikkas go into extra stuff cause they not doing shyt.
Meanwhe builders are putting in the real work behind the scenes while they complain about what another man thousands of miles away isn't doing for them