It's not that ppl care that she lost or was overrated it was how she handled herself.
Manny, Connor
Gina and damn near every world champion outside of Floyd or Jordan got beat on the biggest stage. But never one time, even in their lowest moments did you see one of them curl into the fetal position or go out of their way in damn near every walk of their life threaten to beat everyone up from all walks of life. Connor may be a dikk but when he got served by Diaz this dude wanted a re match IMMEDIATELY and then went into camp got the right partners fixed the holes....and whether or not you think he won fought his azz off.
When Manny got

he shrugged it off, knew it came with the territory and had the same success and demeanor after.
LeBron, Kobe, Peyton, Brady all lost in the biggest moments...sometimes embarrassingly but came back soon to finish the job. They didn't cry on Ellen or look for pity.
This girl is a fraud.