Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
UFC stopped being good around UFC ~100, around 100 was when Dana white and co decided to dilute the product with so many events.

The rot started from UFC 160 since then there has been a stink that wont go away
UFC stopped being good around UFC ~100, around 100 was when Dana white and co decided to dilute the product with so many events.
I dont have a horse in the race brah so I cant form a strong enough feeling to dislike or like the notion of ufc's end. Its not my company u just seem stuck on hyperbolic rhetoric like its the apocalypse.It would be 1 thing if you were in bed with a zuffa accountant or something but this whole hysteria is just based off of 1 shytty ppv # and conjecture. Like i said rumours of wwe's demise were predicted a decade ago they are still getting tv deals and breaking records on their make-believe superbowl show. UFC have a slew of sponsors harley davidson, gatorade and Nike to name a few.Cutting deals with other promotions and giving them slots on fightpass u think they are doing that for free? jonson/bagatinov might have done tna numbers but the live gate still pulled 1 mill + so justwith your baseless theories
the fact that you named only a few cards out of 70 in the past 4 years says how diluted the product is at this point. never said there wasn't any good cards, im saying there is TOO many events..did you see 101, 102, machida/shogun
, Carwin vs lesnar
, 117 (sonnen/silva)
,ufc 121 cain/lesnar, 126 belfort eats feet/jones arrives on ppv, 128 bones is crowned, 134, 136,140, 141 overeem v lesnar
,148 justice is served
The rot started from UFC 160 since then there has been a stink that wont go away
Anything ESPN report on UFC should be taken with a grain of salt considering UFC have thrived with absolutely no aide from themmy theories aren't baseless, UFC has been struggling since 2010
espn reporters even called Dana out on his false numbers on twitter
I'm not making this shyt up, people have been reporting this stuff about the UFC for about 4 years now
No you said ufc "stopped being good after ufc 100" okay I have displayed exciting cards where pivotal stuff happened so that puts that to bed. The stuff about a couple cards in 4 years is kindathe fact that you named only a few cards out of 70 in the past 4 years says how diluted the product is at this point. never said there wasn't any good cards, im saying there is TOO many events..
Anything ESPN report on UFC should be taken with a grain of salt considering UFC have thrived with absolutely no aide from them
With the loss of anderson/gsp of course they arent going to get that spike and while shows are now hovering in the 100-500k territory dont forget there are more of them. Just like they are more fightnights which are basically glorified dark matchesThat post means no sense, when comes to the performance of the events, because isn't the only source
plus this was an espn business reporter, nobody really cared when he caught dana white in a lie on twitte, but when look back at the history before and up to now
its clear the UFC is waning
all you have to do is type UFC is in decline on google and you will get four years of stuff
With the loss of anderson/gsp of course they arent going to get that spike and while shows are now hovering in the 100-500k territory dont forget there are more of them. Just like they are more fightnights which are basically glorified dark matches
did you see 101, 102, machida/shogun
, Carwin vs lesnar
, 117 (sonnen/silva)
,ufc 121 cain/lesnar, 126 belfort eats feet/jones arrives on ppv, 128 bones is crowned, 134, 136,140, 141 overeem v lesnar
,148 justice is served
The rot started from UFC 160 since then there has been a stink that wont go away
I agree the bottom can fall out at any moment, but using the UFC's debt from loans as a reason for them to be in trouble is naive. All company's use debt as leverage and the UFC being a privately owned company we don't/won't know 100% of there financial makeup. Last year Moody's did an audit of the UFC's debt and they upgraded the outlook from stable to positive, which is a good sign, but the Probability of Default will always be risky because of the nature of the fight business (injuries/replacements/not meeting projections). In the Moody's audit they claim over half of the UFC's revenue comes from PPV's. The UFC needs to shift from over-reliance of PPV draws to a balance mix between PPV's/TV/Distribution/Merch/etc. The UFC's over-reliance on PPV's, specifically the unstable market of people purchasing those PPV's is what could cause the ship to sink. But the bottom line is we wont ever know the whole truth behind the UFC's financial situation.
The downfall of the UFC was losing guys like lesnar, rampage, gsp and silva..that much star power and interest from casuals can't be replaced