....it was floyd's dad who said that tho. so that kinda nullifies the point a bit.
The truth is the truth! It does not matter whose mouth it comes from..
Mike was king of the world for a period, and has been through everything there is to go through
and he lost it all.. thus providing a possible motive behind the hate
IMO, to think that Mike Tyson and Roy Jones are jealous of Floyd is silly. These guys were gods of the sport at one point, as well. .
The only thing that's silly is you dismissing the possibility that Tyson and RJJ could be jealous of Floyd
- Undefeated
- Multiple times champion
- Taken very little damage
- Holds all the records in terms of PPV
- Flashy and has yet to be 'humbled' unlike Mike and RJJ
- Highest paid athlete
- Hasn't lost his money and gone broke like Tyson
- Widely considered one of, if not the GOAT
The list goes on and on..