The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
He took his whole soul, ate, it and shi t it out right in front of him. Why does he get so aggy that he bangs whores though? Also why did king Slayer become the Knights Guard or whatever, and give up all the perks? Did he choose that or was he kinda forced to?
its not that he bangs whores... he wifes them. you fukk a whore in a whore house like regular people... the king does what he wants... but as just a normal lanister, you do NOT bring hoes home, let them sleep in the kings castle, and basically make them your girlfriend... especially after he already told him NOT to bring the whore in the first place
then you wanna own my house... so you turn that into a place full of whores running around.. you know he would... his pops knows he would.... he wasn't having that shyt