Thought she was trolling Yankees catcher Brian McCann
Another innocent life these pieces of shyt claim. Plus how many innocent people do we know have had to go through their lives with false accusations of being a child killer hanging over their head.Those motherfukkers were definitely involved in their daughters "disappearance". I don't blame this woman for going after these vile scumbags.
One day they'll get what's coming to them,
I remember seeing a show from England where they traced racist online trolls and showed up to confront them like some Catch a Predator type shyt. Cats who were caught either denied it or tried to defend it. SMH
now all of those websites are requiring you to log onto Facebook to post comments on their articles. if you check it out you'll see most of those nasty trolls who tell people to kill themselves are all old white people who look like they go to your church or eat at your local KFC.
Now she can go back to Mordor where she came from.