1. So if The Arab Spring was created outside Syria and there were Syrian who wanted to act like there was a big protest that was shot down by government, that would be ok with you?
2. You did post something of thousands of defectors but it simply wasn't true.
3. So when did the Military separate itself from the Govt? Please stop. Cause you know damn well what was said. The only real defectors were those mentioned in the first link. The rest are made up.
4. Brooking Institution wrote a book in 2009 called "Which Path to Persia" this is a book guide-lining how to dismantle Iran. In the book it outlines how to create a Color Revolutions, Assassinations and prop up terrorist groups. Its all about destroying Iran and it's allies. General Wesley Clark already mentioned 7 countries in 5 years, Libya, Somalia, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Iran. So there are 2 examples of real situations happening now. You can deny it but you can't disprove it.
4a. 100,000 troops isn't even real....the reports are from the FSA groups themselves, not a real assessment. 70% of the country supports Assad, that is all that matters.
1. I don't care whether the Arab Spring was created outside Syria or not, because what's going on now isn't part of the Arab Spring.
2. So you believe that the majority of these 100,000 fighters showed up from outside Syria? Do you really think things that like would happen unnoticed or unchecked? Assad's military isn't weak. We're not talking about Afghanistan where there's no border control.
3. I said government as in government officials. Most military officers aren't part of an administration
4. That book considers a wide range of options, including diplomacy and economics, not just military force. It's not a handbook on how to destroy Iran. I have a feeling you haven't read the book yourself. Furthermore, you haven't proven that the US or anyone else is following the advice of that book.
4a. The reports aren't from the FSA themselves. They're from satellite readings and stats research, breh.
5. Only 55% of Syrians support Assad. That's a majority, but not an overwhelming one.