Captain Crunch
The crazy thing is Tulsa wasn't the only "Black Wallstreet" 

Greenwood called “Little Africa,” was a relatively wealthy community. White mobs, many deputized, destroyed every house, store, church or school. The mob met resistance from an armed black population. Governor Robertson declared martial law. The National Guard arrived with machine gun mounted trucks, and airplanes hovering over Greenwood. It was the first time an American city was bombed from the air, by the US government.
it was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street" until the KKK bombed and destroyed the once-thriving community.
The crazy thing is Tulsa wasn't the only "Black Wallstreet"![]()
Our only way is through money.They had plenty guns. Whites just had more guns. Even if every black person in America was armed. we would still be SEVERELY out gunned if only 20% percent of Whites had guns.
I don't think guns are the answer.
It sounds cool to talk that "Every black person should be armed shyt" but its not practical
Also They through cocktails and sticks of dynamite from planes. Are you suggesting Blacks buy more planes as well.
Fact of the matter is this is exactly what would happen if shyt really hit the fan in certain places. Crazy thing is that shyt actually fukking happened a fukking "race war" on American soil.
Thats basically what that shyt was.
this is why all blacks should be pro-guns
Name others?
I know of a few fairly major Race Riots
One being the East Saint Louis Race Riots of 1917
Race Riot At East St Louis - 1917
(from material by John Cobb and Elliott Rudwick)
America was built on the premise of optimism where human progress, combined with scientific advances and expansion, meant a better life for future generations. Unfortunately, there have been numerous instances where we have grievously fallen short of this credo. July 2, 1998 marked the 81st anniversary of the race riot that took place in East St. Louis back in 1917. What follows is a summary of information gleaned from Elliott Rudwick, John Cobb, the Journal and the Post-Dispatch.
Race relations have been a blot on our nation's history for a very long time. Slavery was introduced to Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619 and it took a Civil War to rid the nation of that infamous "peculiar institution." Despite adding civil rights amendments to the Constitution, Lynch Law, the KKK and Jim Crowism conspired to relegate African-Americans to a second class status for more than a hundred years after the war.
It is necessary to examine the historical context to understand why the East St. Louis riot happened. According to Allen Grimshaw's hoary monograph on race riots, there were eighteen major interracial disturbances in America between 1915 and 1919. Due to the creation of job opportunities from the outbreak of war in Europe, Negroes for the first time in history migrated north en masse from Dixie, looking for economic opportunity. Following on the heels of this exodus, they organized to challenge the concept of white supremacy and the established order. The result was bloody conflict.
Whites had not yet learned to accept Negroes as part of the urban landscape and resented this "invasion." East St. Louis at the time was known as the "Pittsburgh of the West" and was particularly appealing to those looking for work because Of its booming economy and reputation for good-paying jobs.
Segregation was the established order of the day. Negroes were treated in separate wards of the two city hospitals and were tended by black physicians. At the plants and packing houses, they had their own washrooms, worked in segregated labor gangs and ate in an isolated section of the dining halls. Their presence in the city was confined to a ghetto in the south end of town.
As long as the Negroes constituted a small minority, they were not perceived as a threat. Race problems were for the South. But their numbers tripled between 1900 and 1914, and grew exponentially as war in Europe fueled the engines of industry in the United States.
Local elections in 1916 were a harbinger of things to come. Democrats eked out a narrow victory over Republicans by hurling the charge that the Republicans were engaging in a secret plot. The G.O.P. allegedly was trying to insure their majority by colonizing East St. Louis with Negroes, most of whom would remain loyal to the party of Lincoln that gave them their freedom.
The situation was exacerbated when labor-management problems worsened.
At Aluminum Ore, the largest processor of bauxite in the world, some 1906 workers had recently formed a union which the company refused to recognize. Over at the packing houses in National City, 37 union organizers were fired after an attempt to gain recognition. Corporate managers decided to import Negroes from the South in order to limit the future demands of white workers. Management at Swift Packing admitted two reasons for hiring about 40 Negroes at the plant. Race differences among employees decreased the possibility of unionization, and Negroes did not object to performing the low-paying, dirty, unpleasant tasks involved in fertilizer making and hog killing. The message was clear: if whites were unwilling to work under the proscribed rules and wages, Negroes could be brought in to take their place. The stage was set for an explosive situation.
At the height of the importation crisis, Mayor Mollman and the police charged newly-arrived migrants with responsibility for the perceived crime wave. Pawn shops and gun dealers soon did a booming business in the arms trade. It was a common belief among whites that the first thing Negroes did when they arrived in the city was to buy a gun. Rumors began to circulate that the gun-toting Negroes were plotting a race war. The city became a ticking time bomb
In the days to follow. there were numerous instances where Negroes were attacked by white mobs for no other reason than racial hatred. On July 1st a Ford car driven by whites fired shots into Negro homes near 17th and Market. There was a similar incident along 10th and Bond. Later, the police received a report that armed Negroes were on the rampage. A police car was dispatched to 10th and Bond and met more than 200 Negroes, many of them armed, who without a word of warning opened fire. Samuel Coppedge, one of the detectives was killed instantly and the other. Frank Wadley. died the following day.
A newspaper account of the attack inflamed passions. This action was prima facie evidence East St. Louisans needed to prove that Negroes were mobilizing for a massacre. On the morning of July 2nd, there was a protest meeting at the Labor Temple at 4th and Collinsville Avenue. Various speakers told the audience to start arming themselves. After the meeting, the group marched in military fashion toward Broadway. Mayor Mollman knew that the police wouldn't cooperate in trying to control the mobs. but during the previous night he had telephoned the National Guard headquarters in Springfield and mistakenly believed that six militia companies would arrive that next day. The mob began attacking and shooting every Negro they encountered with little regard for age or sex. Streetcars were stopped and Negroes were pulled off. Although the assaulting groups contained only about 25 people., they were encouraged by large crowds that had gathered on the streets. Near 3rd and Broadway. white prostitutes from the notorious "Valley" got into the act and battered fleeing colored women.
By afternoon the crowd invaded the area south of Broadway shouting that they planned to avenge the two detectives who were killed. The homes at Third and Brady and Third and Railroad were set on fire. Negroes who attempted to escape the flames were picked off one at a time. Another Negro was lynched from a telephone pole. Encouraged by mobs who shouted, "Burn 'em out." the rioters destroyed over 200 homes. The Illinois National Guard was called to the scene but the militia did not deal firmly with rioters and proved to be largely ineffective.
any Negroes owed their lives to the alarm sent by True Light Baptist Church which rang its bell to indicate that rampaging whites were coming. Sympathetic whites hid Negroes in their basements while flames illuminated the night sky. Hundreds of refugees were brought to the city hall auditorium.
At midnight, the South End was bright red. An observer from Signal Hill said that the flames shot so high in the air that they were reflected by Pittsburg Lake which looked like a sheet of fire. The conflagration ultimately did an estimated half million dollars in damage.
Violence fed upon itself and in the Black Valley. small gangs lighted torches, joking while waiting for Negroes to flee from the furnaces which had been their homes. When an ambulance arrived to take one man to the hospital, rioters warned. "If you pick up that skunk, we'll kill you too." Another Negro was captured and someone shouted, "We're going to lynch the dog--shooting is too good for him." When more militia and night arrived the rioting slowed down but was not yet over. The square block at Eighth and Broadway was burned to an ash heap.
No other riot in American history claimed the lives of more African-Americans than the one that raged in East St. Louis during that hot summer day in 1917. It was a stain on the fabric of the city's character that would take a long time to fade. It probably explains why East St. Louis, after reaching a population of roughly 75,000 in 1920, experienced little demographic growth afterwards. Just as the murder of Elijah Lovejoy, the abolitionist newspaper editor in Alton, stifled growth in that city, a similar dark cloud hung over East St. Louis from the notoriety of the race riot.
Local business leaders were so disgusted by the melee that a number of significant changes were made. The mayoralty system was replaced with a city commission form of government so that the power of the mayor's office would be shared. A youth recreation program was started by the YMCA.
this is why all blacks should be pro-guns
Wilmington Insurrection, the first and only time the US government has been overthrown in the US.
The crazy thing is Tulsa wasn't the only "Black Wallstreet"![]()
So what do you suggest? We would probably get massacred but IMO violence is the only answer. You can't reason with white people, that has already been proven unsuccessful. I know for a fact that if niccas stopped killing each other and started showing solidarity as a race and started doing our own thing they would nut the fukk up and black people would start turning up dead at the hands of whites.Please have a seat, negro.
anyway, this goes to show you how much the so-called whiteman hates you nikkas.
He'll drop bombs on the very country he murdered, robbed, raped and stole for in order to claim it as his, just so you nikkas won't even have a peace of mind.
and LMAO @ "RACE RIOTS"..............NO Silly negro, that was just esau killing you nikkas while you begged him to stop.
So what do you suggest? We would probably get massacred but IMO violence is the only answer. You can't reason with white people, that has already been proven unsuccessful. I know for a fact that if niccas stopped killing each other and started showing solidarity as a race and started doing our own thing they would nut the fukk up and black people would start turning up dead at the hands of whites.