LOLNah... He can't destroy her. If she's had enough dikk she can just get to rubber guard.
it must suck knowing your girl got better ground game than you
going for a kneebar when he tries slippin it in the ass
LOLNah... He can't destroy her. If she's had enough dikk she can just get to rubber guard.
So I guess Ellis is going to quit in the fight
it must suck knowing your girl got better ground game than you
going for a kneebar when he tries slippin it in the ass
I just had no idea angela was 29Yea I thought they said all the girls in here were basically pros who fought on big stages before. When I saw the preview of Angela/Carla I thought it would be a back and forth war. But then I saw the girl only had one professional fight.And it showed. Telegraphed a kick with no set up. Gave up her back multiple times. When she did get up, instead of backing up and creating distance she immediately charged in. Amateur stuff. Still say Carla wins it all. These other girls have no answer for her wrestling. Cant wait for next week. Herrig is not only annoying but she is not good.
Due to the baseball playoffs, no new episode tonight or next week. The show is supposed to return on Oct. 22nd
Has beiball fallen off that much that its on fs1? I thought the playoffs were on regular fox or TBS?