Watching the late 03 Raws and the build to mania 20, they were pushing the hell out of Orton. He was main eventing a lot of Raws and getting the most screentime.
I liked this era at the time and see it's considered trash online now. The roster was so good and the 2hr runtime made for a mostly good show imo.
Foley was so good on the mic at this time.
Demon Benoit and Batista had a good violent, intense match on Raw a couple weeks before Mania 20.
I liked this era at the time and see it's considered trash online now. The roster was so good and the 2hr runtime made for a mostly good show imo.
Foley was so good on the mic at this time.
Demon Benoit and Batista had a good violent, intense match on Raw a couple weeks before Mania 20.