I swear they had like five blowoff matches in that fued. Like they'd have a falls count anywhere match on a ppv, and two or so weeks later Sullivan, while cutting a promo on someone ELSE, would start back talking about how him and benoit had unfinished business in some overly creepy slow ass promo that felt three years behind where nitro was at that point.Literally every week for 4 months was Mongo and JJ having a miscommunication in a match, almost fighting, then teaming up next week to do it again. Sometimes they WOULD actually fight, but still team up next week anyway. Then Debra turns on Mongo and every week for the next few months is Mongo interfering in every Jeff match, and Jeff/Debra cutting the same promo almost word for word on Mongo. It's fukking interminable. Just like the 2 years of Benoit vs Sullivan.