More #INVASION thoughts:
Lmao at Raw being in Atlanta, and WCW turning heel in the first segment. I mean, WCW was already really the heel group if you were paying attention, but Shane was the face leader, and Booker was the face champ. Then Shane turns on Taker in the opening segment, in a match that was supposed to be Shane vs DDP based on their fight on SD, but turns out it was a set up all along. And the implication is that Shane was behind the stalker stuff this whole time, which, obviously he was. In fact, it was basically said outright the night DDP revealed himself, but then was dropped completely.
Then Austin mind fukks Angle into challenging Booker for a title match, but when they show Booker and Kurt interacting, Booker is booed and Angle is cheered, even though Booker has been portrayed as a face, and Kurt has been a heel his entire WWF run. Then, right before the match, newly turned Shane is hyping up Booker, which means Booker is now a heel, and he gets treated as such for the entire match. IN ATLANTA. WCW's home base. At no point were WCW treated as faces, and at no point where they received as faces. In their home base. Then Kane fills in for Taker (after DDP hit the Kanyon Cutter on Sara) in a handicap match against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome, which turns into a tag match when Jericho joins in. Then RVD/Tommy Dreamer hit the ring, and a bunch of mid carders soon follow. But it turns out they were all ECW guys, so they all beat up Kane and Jericho as Paul Heyman gets in the ring and declares that ECW has joined the invasion.
Then Vince and Shane meet backstage and decide they need to join together to get rid of ECW, so a WWF/WCW vs ECW 10 man tag is set for the main event. WWF and WCW brawl before ECW even comes out. Then ECW runs the WWF out of the ring. Then WCW gets in the ring and....joins with ECW. Vince is like WTF. Shane announces the merger of ECW and WCW. Then Stephanie comes out to reveal herself as the ECW owner.
So the angle that literally started as Shane vs Vince, then moved on to Linda pulling strings for Shane to get WCW on TV via the divorce angle between Vince/Linda, has now become Shane/Steph vs Vince. From DAY ONE, the Invasion was about the McMahons. It's fascinating to see how terriblly written the whole thing is, even if you remove the McMahon aspect. WCW being portrayed as both scrappy underdog faces and invading heels, WWF/Vince portrayed as both the evil empire and valiant warriors. shyt is just a MESS. The lack of the true top WCW stars is the least of the problems in this shyt.