Tbh I held off until I'd literally eaten everything else the Network had to offer, but it's surprisingly watchable.
I don't think a second series is a good idea though - they were kind of lucky nothing nasty happened in this one. Duggan and Atlas were a hair's breadth from a bar fight at one point... it'd make compelling TV, but it could ruin legacies.
Low-key I think the main aim of the show was probably to give Pat the space to do what he needed to do.
I can believe it, but who the fukk knows. Roddy seemed alright with him most of the time... but he didn't tell a story when they were all opening up at the end to give Pat his space. Tbh, the homophobia in wrestling circles probably means Pat's been accused of diddling every debut since 1970. I don't know dikk (fnar) about the guy outside of the ring tbh.