Steve Austin vs Dude Love, Over the Edge 98, Falls Count Anywhere for the belt
Loud ass "Vince is gay!" Chant, crowd is peak 90's

It's really the ur-Attitude Era main event in many ways. So many trends can be traced back to how that match was put together.
Speaking of 1998 I the only one who finds 98 DX absolutely cringeworthy these days? And not just Hunter either, the entire act is just one lame, juvenile joke after another, followed by embarrassing cultural references to try and be "hip" (X-Pac talking about DX "getting jiggy with it" made me INSTANTLY turn off that Raw). Not having Shawn Michaels there to anchor things is really affecting my ability to enjoy them, possibly because he's the only guy who is completely believable in the role of an irreverent degenerate (X-Pac and Road Dogg also fit the bill, but they're kneecapped by their material half the time).
At this point (May 1998), if a Raw segment doesn't involve Steve Austin or Vince McMahon, chances are it's NOT good. Can't call it boring, though, which is more than you can say about present day WWE.