HBK vs Flair at Bad Blood 03?
havent seen this one before....such GOATliness
They cut that one way too short I ordered that ppv
HBK vs Flair at Bad Blood 03?
havent seen this one before....such GOATliness
WTF Happened to Legends House did I miss something?
Was just watching RR2001 from New Orleans. Jim Ross said "it looks like a tornado just tore through here, better yet a hurricane"
I am amazed that ppl like Meltzer gave Heatwave 98 show of the year. I know 98 was not a particularly good year in terms of quality, but KOTR and Summerslam was miles better then this show
Yeah, they finally reached a deal in 2012.
CWA stands for Continental Wrestling Association. The main promotion based in Memphis in the 70's and 80's. It later became the USWA when it merged with WCCW.
no the hell they werent.
and bill watts aint see no money from that, did he?
props. i never knew the bolded.
Dean Douglas was such a fail. Felt like he was on the roster for like 4 months.
nikka please. KOTR and SS easily blow this show away. Much more memorable. KOTR was on the of the few shows in that period where WWF horrid undercard came thru. Ken Shamrock had his best match in the finals with the Rock. Then of course HIAC II. The only match that did suck was the main event. SS 98 had an excellent build to the Taker/Austin match which was solid(despite the botches) and of course the ladder match between Rock/HHH which many say made their careers