WWF Wrestlemania 9
Probably the single most maligned WM of all time, and it turns out...it's actually good. Not "it's not as bad as people say". Actually a good show. Multiple career performances (Tatanka, Yoko, arguably Crush all had their best matches, Lex had his best WWF match, Perfect's best match not involving Bret in 3 years), multiple intersecting angles that set up the next 4-5 months of TV, and a neat and refreshing outdoor venue.
It's a shame that people judge it based on what DIDN'T happen after, and that Hogan Hogan'd and fukked up plans, but it's very clear from this event that TV would have looked like this until Summerslam:
Bret vs Luger (Luger laid Bret out a brunch earlier in the day, meaning Bret wasn't even at full strength heading into the match with Yoko)
HBK vs Perfect (Luger beats Perfect, Perfect tries to get some skin back and HBK beats his ass)
Luna vs Sherri (With Tatanka and Luna's new guy getting dragged into it)
More fukkery with Doink and Crush
More fukkery with Gonzalez and Taker leading to a gimmick match
Money Inc vs Steiners for the titles (Money Inc/Mega Maniacs seemed decisive even with a DQ finish, Steiners decisively beat Headshrinkers)
Hogan still presumably does nothing or beats Yoko again, then puts Bret over at Summerslam as Bret got fukked out of the title, didn't get his rematch, and Hogan challenged Bret before the title match to start with
Some of it happened, some of it didn't, but this show certainly had laid out a vision until Summerslam. When the story of this show gets told, everyone seems to forget that Hulk didn't just walk out there and demand a title shot. He went out to tell the ref what happened to reverse the decision, and Fuji/Yoko CHALLENGED him on the spot. And Hulk wasn't going to do it, but then Fuji put the title on the line and Bret told him to go for it. They also forget to mention it got the biggest reaction of the show, and people were happier to see Hogan win than they were sad to see Bret lose.