Watching Clash of the Champions X and stumbled on a Wrestle War rap promo that was lit as hell
dude got bars...
That trap version tho

That trap version tho

It's really fascinating how dog shyt Raw was in 1993. To the point that between the awful shows and DIRT CHEAP low rentocity of it all, it's amazing that Raw made it to 1994, let alone 2017. Just the way that they'd run angles was enough to make you scream wtf. Raw was immediately their official flagship show once it started, yet they'd do something like the Razor/Kid upset and not follow up on it for NINE WEEKS. Bret and King are heading for a match at Summerslam and they've both been on the show twice in 3 months. One week they had King come out, not even mention Bret, but break Tiny Tim's uke for no reason other than to get some cheap heat. But not for the feud. Just for him. So he could show up again in a month.
There's a good 2 month period where the Steiners and Money Inc were trading the tag titles back and forth on house shows. The Steiners never got promo time so they never talked about it on Raw when they were squashing jobbers, but Money Inc got to do promos for them yet never actually promoted the house shows. And then, when they have a blow off cage match at the Summerslam Spectacular a week before Summerslam, all the time they had spent on TV for the prior few weeks was to in building for a feud with Razor and 123 Kid instead.
Actually, it's amazing WWE even made it out of 1993. The places they were running Raw could seat like 1000 max, one place was legit rec center that even ROH wouldn't run nowadays. shyt was so janky it didn't even have a ceiling or lighting.
I fukkin love SNME.
Seeing big bossman and akeem beat jobbers for months on superstars and challenge, get credible as beasts, then see them vs hogan and savage is straightYeah, I binged them back in September and that shyt was fun. Especially taking into account that they were special cause it was the only time outside of the four PPVs that you'd see a whole show of stars vs. stars, and a lot of feuds would culminate on SNME whenever there wasnt a big PPV coming up. A lot of people aren't old enough to know how good they have it with Raw and Smackdown- SNME was the equivalent of that, but they'd only happen maybe 6-7 times a year. Whenever SNME was coming on, I had that VCR ready on someshyt. It really makes me think how dope it would've been if they booked TV back then the way it's been over the last 20 yrs.
From The Main Event 2/5/88, the show with the original Hebner screw job and Andre selling the title to DiBiase.
That grimy coke gym, Jake Roberts' theme. All bizarre.