Anyone know how to make gifs from the network?
"the guys that i like never progressed, and because they didn't progress you start to lose interest. Even though they're having good matches, it didn't matter. Because they could win a match or lose a match and it still wouldn't matter.
next sundayThought HIAC was tonight. Might watch a Royal Rumble match tonight
Kevin Sullivan insisted on booking the streak further since he was the one booking the streak and knew how to protect Goldberg but "Creative Control" came in with Nash etc.i thought nash actually made a good point in the doc. he basically said that if you exist in wrestling solely because you cannot be beat, and you have absolutely no other leg to stand on, and you owe your success mostly to the way you were booked... then basically you need to retire the moment you lose because there really is no way to ever recapture that mystique. if you can't evolve as a character or as a performer then how was goldberg ever really gonna make it back to the top once the streak was done?
but you know what else? if that's the case, then the streak shouldn't have ended that soon. they might have been able to squeeze another YEAR out of goldberg, maybe 2. who knows. when you're that hot why fukk it up. just keep feeding him until it's time for him to lose, and perhaps december of 1998 was not that time.