bruh I'm watching Great American Bash 99 and Scott Steiner/Tank Abbott just let three vicious dogs attack Sting
Finally started watching the Monday Night Wars I've seen everyone except the Bret episode. It's cool..the first episode or two were the best cause they gave almost a 50/50 from each side..these latter episodes are like all WWFmight as well just call it an Attitude special
It feels like a complete revision of history. I really hate the Vince "underdog" beat billionaire Ted story they are going with. Truth is WCW was whooping that ass DX was not seeing NWO. The fact that WCW became so incompetent help the WWF win. If billionaire Ted wanted to he could of thrown money and crush the WWF
when they gonna show a sting or ddp Monday night wars special, especially that Karl Malone vs Rodman feud
I'm hoping the same. There's 15 more episodes left so plenty of time to get into those storylines as well. I just think at some point they are going to have to squeeze more than one subject into each episode. Cause there really is so much shyt left to cover from both companies.They pretty much skipped a lot of the stuff that helped WCW win outside of the nWo. Nothing on the cruiserweights, DDP, Goldberg, the big celebrity matches..hopefully they go more detailed with WCW specific episodes cause like I said before, it's been WWF dominant so far.