Imagine a world where Dynamite got the kind of push Benoit got in WCW and WWE. It's frightening watching early Benoit stuff and seeing how well he does Dynamite shyt, but then you see prime Dynamite work and see how far ahead he was of Benoit in terms of character and connecting to audiences based on more than just ring work. Dynamite could have legit been the best/biggest star of his generation if he had been born about 5-10 years later.
Just think about a Dynamite Kid who was still in his prime around 1992 when guys like Bret and HBK started getting pushed as top of the card stars in the WWF. Benoit was maybe technically better than Dynamite, but he didn't hold a candle to him in terms of character work. I want to live in an alternate universe where Dynamite's body didn't break down and he was able to be a main eventer in the US in 1992-1994.