So I'm listening to konnan on the jericho podcast. Real cool guy, great interview. Talking about how he got started. So he says he had been invited to a wrestling show in Mexico way back when. Was big into boxing but not wrestling. Some guy take him, shows him the title belt and everything. Guy says he's injured but is coming back soon. Takes him backstage and tells the promoter that konnan wrestled down in Florida. So he goes along with it and starts telling the promoter a few names. Guy says ok you booked next week. Konnan tells his friend, what do I do? Guy says just go in there and knock your opponent out. Match day comes and he's nervous. Scared of not knowing how to hit the ropes, that he'll fall thru, and has no training. Finally gets a chance to train and sees Rey Mysterio Sr. Rey says, oh you wrestled over in Florida huh? Knowing it's bullshyt and seeing Rey realizes that, konnan confesses. He tells Rey the truth and that his manager had got him the match. So Rey says, you've never wrestled a match and you have a manager. Who's your manager? Konnan says, the world champ John Roberts. He's sitting right over there. Rey looks at him and says, "that's a fan".