fukked up how and where? Where is this perceived fukk up? And yes...everyone behind closed doors say racist shyt. You think Booker T wasn't calling those fukk3rs white devils and all of that $hit when they were calling him a dancing monkey during the Cripple H WM 19 feud? Of course he was. No audio of it though but if you Black, you know what's what dude was feeling. Does he have the courage to say that out loud and risk his job standing today? No. Just like Jericho knew that Cripple H buried him for years and didn't ever speak on it publicly like he was afraid of those nyggas or something. Stupid but that's just how Booker and Jericho are.
And if he's this cornball, who is hard? Who is supposed to be the example of black excellence? Old played out actors who can't find a acting part to save their life these days...Will Smith, Denzel, etc. Cliché cats who do cliché roles. Well Denzel actually has variety and skill to his laundry list but it's not the norm in this day and age for him. LOL@accepted by White Culture. Michael Jordan, the greatest athlete of all time, is the definition of accepted by White Culture and he's dark skin and flaunts his white women around and says "No nyggas" to celebrity friends but you still got cats bowing down to him and he's not seen as a "cornball", eh? You see I call Cripple H that because I would say it to his face. You nyggas be calling Rocky "corny" and all of tha tough talk but damn sure wouldn't say it in his surroundings. So in essence, the person saying it is of a corny and cowardly nature. Rock has Vince McMahon kissing his ass and bowing down to him. Don't believe me?? Who got the most time at WM 31 this year and didn't even wrestle? A 30 minute segment that the crowd was nuts for and he didn't have to do $hit but speak to the fans that made him who he is.
As for Rock pulling power moves on producers and writers? When the fukk has anyone of note ever done this on a yearly basis? It's unheard of unless they produce it. The show that the Rock does produce, Ballers, is a Black show with the Rock as the narrator of it. Those two Reality Shows he produced on TNT had Black focal points during those seasons..you don't give him credit for that. Not Wesley Snipes enough for you. You cats all have your agendas with that guy and always say you love him but always hate on him like some common White youtuber. It's soft and very see through. It's not the Rock's fault that those who you all wanted to be in his spot didn't have the heart and workmanship to get there.They used to chant "DIE ROCKY DIE" at this guy for just a simple 4 month push and now look at him...practically the Boss of All Bosses. You'll never hear a McMahon bash this guy in a article or piece ever again because they know if he goes against the GRAIN of the WWE machine, everyone listens. Just like that.
Wow. That's what I'm saying right there. Black people be trying to play pick up sticks, and get mad when the game is Chess. Supremacists don't want to risk Chess, so they change it to checkers, and still be giving ya'll those L's with that logic in bold. You can't say Booker T thought shyt, just to help the Rock, and you're not understanding the overall game (not on you, as MANY of us don't, but want to sound like we do with terms like Illuminati) in putting your energy caping for some c00n idol. The Rock is a damn ed c00n.
I'm never going to insult him to his face, but I wish someone would ask, "Rock, were you a Republican when you only had that 7 dollars in your pocket?

Or to get Vince to call you "the Chosen One""? Again, this nikka thinks like a Cuban

. Yes, he's likely now a Colin Powell Republican, but stop acting like he's some revolutionary for blowing out of the water some scripted ass male soap opera. He just capitalizes, very cynically, at being able to claim all races damndd near, and he's not trying to alienate ANYONE, even if that would strengthen his edge later on.
People pull power moves on their directors, producers, script writers CONSTANTLY. I'm talking as soon as one actor, or actress, gets an audience edge on a show (or came with huge goodwill to a movie), they're playing power moves. shyt'd, do you know how many scripts have been changed to accommodate an actor's "alignment and momentum" AFTER they've already signed on??!!?? At least 80 percent, so save that noise.
Rock is being who he is. No need to feel sorry for him, but I'm simply telling you what he said, and the potential ramifications of it. No need for you to justify some dangerous bullshyt, just because your idol said it. Black people, least of all, should be saying AT ALL that they harbor racist tendencies. How are you going to hate your still masters? What, we're not slaves anymore because of Obama? We're over here living at the complete benevolence of White people, and want to be all arrogant and shyt..lmao.
They can take your life from you AT ANY TIME. Any one of them. No need to be scared of them, but again, you nikkas are trying to define a game you have no control over, instead of beating the ones you are. It's that you lack the confidence and moral consistency to win the actual game.
Rock sells out, for money, and thus his fans (who don't get a single fukking dollar or consideration) does too. And this happens for a lot of Black millionaires, which is why shyt doesn't change as quickly as it can. Those nikkas don't see the problem (anymore? or ever...most would say ever unless Whites have seen it overtly too). You just said the actions of cornball brothers, to which Jordan is for various reasons. Again, he's been called out, politely as I did, but we still love him. He's waking up, slowly.