They had some good matches here and there... I think they're at their best when it comes to hardcore matches... I'm surprised they never stepped foot in ECW , it seem tailor made for them...
yea that's what im saying.
they definitely should've did a bid in ECW.
Sometimes people are willing to give passes for bad behavior if the person is talented (i.e. Shawn Michaels, CM Punk) but the Nasty Boys don't have the talent to compensate for their bad reputations.
nah. its just because theyre not childhood nostalgic pieces.
HBK doesn't just get a pass. he also somehow gets overrated.
All 3 teams defined Attitude and were the first ones involved in tag team ladder/table matches in the WWF. They’re synonymous with it. I never even knew about the Nasty Boys outside of the ring, and in 2019 I don’t really care, so my take on them is purely in the ring, in which they simply weren’t very good. They had a standout gimmick, look, and were brawlers, that’s it. They were another one of those “beloved” Golden Era tag teams, but when you really step back to analyze them, they were easily the worst of those tags teams back then. They were no where near the level of the Roadwarriors, Doom, Harlem Heat, Steiners, Hart Foundation, etc. All they did was exist in an era with much better tag teams than them. To put things perspective, the Golden Era tag teams were Death Row records, but the Nasty Boys were Tha Realest.
I asked you not to give me any attitude era hyperbole, and yet, that's the very first thing that comes off your keyboard.
I asked you what great matches have any of them had aside from being in TLC, and yet all you gave me was TLC matches.
the realest wasn't apart of golden era death row, so that analogy makes no sense.
so because they weren't road warriors/steiners level, that means they were one of the worst teams back then? IS THERE NO IN-BETWEEN?
and im not comparing them to the road warriors, steiners, doom, harts, or the harlem heat(who technically weren't around back then). im comparing them to those attitude era teams that are getting 10s despite not being any better than this team that is getting 1s. and im not even a nasty boys fan.
lol. don't even get me started on the new aged outlaws, who are on here getting all types of 10s. nasty boys were easily better than them.
and youre pushing the idea that they never stood out, when in reality they were awarded the best tag team award in 1994 by PWI.