Scott Steiner: Whoa whoa whoa, cut the MUSIC! Boom shaka lacka, ya schee I aint gonna show no symphy to dish skinny cm trash! After I pummel this wanna redneck phemomenon CM Trash i'm gonna make all my hoochies howl at the moon!!!! *drops mic*
*Ding Ding Ding*
*Steiner and Punk lock up and Steiner throws him across the ring showing his power*
*Punk squats down near the turnbuckle to think*
*Punk immediately jumps up and gives Steiner a drop kick...followed by 3 more consecutive drop kicks, using his speed advantage*
*Steiner in a rage, lunges at Punk and Punk counters by rolling up his legs and making him fall to the ground*
KG Ross: Punk is out thinking the brawn of Steiner right now....the clock is ticking with 2 minutes left*
*Punk pushes his luck and goes for another kick but Steiner grabs his foot and slams him to the mat....locking in the Steiner Recliner*
KG Ross: Steiner Recliner locked in, locked in, locked in!!!! Punk is struggling to break the hold an time is winding down!!! If Punk can hold out a little longer he can reach the rope!
*With 25 seconds left, Punk is trying to crawl to the ropes for the hold break*
*10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1....DING!!!!*
Announcer: This match end in a draw!!!