TSC Evaluation #68: Dolph Ziggler

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Prolific Poster
May 6, 2012
My Own 🌍
he is a decent worker but he's been pretty bland and unimpressive overall outside of a few high points in his career

also was dumb as hell to swagger jack Mr. Ass of all people :snoop:

i'll give dude a 5


Jul 27, 2012
10... off the strength of combining Billy Gunn, Mr.Perfect and Shawn Michaels into one person (although The dolph Break kid was the beginning of his fall off) oh and cant forget that he was briefly Randy Orton when they made him cut his hair :lolbron:

Dolph has tons of memorable moments

fans uses to pop through the roof for dolph. he was never a great talker but was a great wrestler in my eyes. improved over the years put on crazy performances.

beating the authority at survivor series with those superkicks :banderas:

when dolph and Daniel Bryan were trading headbutts on the ladder at wrestle mania the fans would had erupted had either one of them won.

also whrn DB got eliminted in the rumble dolph had all the fan support.

he's an original creation that could've been their next star. WWE dropped the ball on dolph... people loved him and they turned him into shyt :pacspit: WWE

Dolph ziggler the GOAT:ohlawd:


May 1, 2012
6 or 7. I think he was overrated back when he was getting his huge push and was such a smark favorite. His character was really basic and unconvincing back then, and though the bumps he took looked cool, they were really overdone compared to the rest of the card usually. More importantly, he sucked on the mic back in 12-13. He was a 2 or 3 on the mic back then, just completely unconvincing wrestling school level sh1t. That's what really held him back back then imo.

Recently I think he's gotten into his prime. He had a really good face run a year or so ago, as a classic southern type babyface on SD. His recent heel stuff has been good because he's actually convincing in his character now, it's not the "I'm a really cocky bad guy!!! Boo me, pleasea!!!!!" type stuff he was doing 5 years ago.

Overrated 5 years ago, underrated now, good midcarder and occasional main eventer. I'll say 7 to offset the 1's he'll get, but it's a weak 7.

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
Were this 3-4 years ago, I’d give him a 6-7 and say he’s a good talent who’s been a victim of poor booking. In 2017, I don’t believe that’s a completely true statement. He’s an average talent who’s been a victim of bad booking, causing him to completely give up and coast over the last 2-3 years. I’d give him a 5 now, mostly because there’s only about 4-5 matches of his I think are worth going out of your way to watch. Those being Bragging Rights 2010 vs. Bryan

Payback 13 vs. Del Rio


Survivor Series 14 vs Team Authority

And TLC 14 vs. Harper

And I have to mention his cash in, which is really more of a moment but the mini match following it was actually pretty good so I’m counting it.

Aside from that, the guy’s whatever to me. His brief feud with Ambrose last summer followed by his heel run have really exposed him as being a one dimensional performer who’s strongest attribute was bumping, and even that has become whatever. He can’t cut a decent promo, his in-ring psychology isn’t that great, he has no real stand out character. He’s the definition of average at this point. In the past I could atleast say the crowd’s behind him but due to booking and his apathy because of it, the crowd is similarly apathetic towards him. This, along with his mailed in performances, have imo made him toxic, which wouldn’t necessarily be a big deal if they didn’t deem him the guy you go through after graduating NXT. Feuding with him did/has done neither Nakamura or Roode any favors and has made their initial main roster debuts and runs lackluster when they should’ve had hotter starts, as feuding with a guy who doesn’t care and the audience doesn’t care about puts them behind an 8 ball before booking even has a chance to.

Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention his complete and total ripping off of Shawn Michaels. It’s one thing to do it in a meta, tongue in cheek way like the Young Bucks but Dolph straight up copied HBK’s look and his finisher



I mean

So yeah, 5 because I was once a fan and he’s got a few good matches.
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Apr 30, 2012
Taking his full career into account, he's a 4 that had potential to be a 7.

The cold hard truth is Dolph has sharked the shyt out of two once in a lifetime workers in Mr. Perfect and Michaels as well as another good worker (Gunn). Somehow, some way, he either took their worst qualities or made their great qualities terrible in the process. Wrestling is scripted as hell and we all know the moves aren't real, but it takes a special piece of shyt worker to tell the audience it's fake every match by the dumb ass over-selling in an attempt to "steal the show". There's a reason nobody but Perfect could (and should) have sold like that. He was talented enough to make it an actual part of the match and he had a real offense to back it up.

For all the talent Dolph supposedly had with amateur wrestling, he hasn't improved one bit character wise or in the ring since well before his short main event trip. He's complacent as fukk and it shows in his work. It's especially frustrating knowing he can pull out a good performance every once in awhile.

Though I don't rock with him, I don't dislike him (or anybody really). He was dealt a bad hand multiple times when he was over enough to warrant being a main eventer. He had something, still can't figure out what, that had the crowd on his side for a while, but I won't categorize him as a Zack Ryder (who worked his ass off to get himself over organically and deserved much more than he got) though.

I think the world has a way of balancing out things and he's probably somewhere near where he should be anyway. It's understandable that he would eventually say fukk it when he can't break through, but since he hasn't built up a true rapport with the fans, nothing is missed. The facts are, he doesn't have but a few good moments and exactly zero great or classic moments that will stand the test of time. Like I said in the Cena thread, nobody's gonna be watching Dolph videos in 5-10 years.