TSC Beach Brawl


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
#TSCCM does it again......and again......and again......AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! :russ: Don't you fools get it by now? We. Cannot. Be. Stopped. We're going over the whoooooooooooole promotion daddy. Everyone is going to get down with #TSCCM or lay down for us, one way or another. And let me put a little Ligginsverse spin on it for you; picture this......legacies pissed on, relationships pissed on, titles pissed on, autistic smarks......pissed off! It's the #UrineNation around these parts, piss game proper and I'm about to drown all opposition. I'm going to immerse our enemies in the ether, saturate the fools in despair and failure.

*Knock on door*

Speaking of.....:youngsabo: Come in baby.


You drank that beer I bought? Yeah, it's imported from Belgium. Crafted and brewed by a village of autistic midgets. Yeah, duh it makes you have to piss! I'm Liggins bytch, THAT IS MY PLEASURE! But, let me wrap up this Fed business real quick......

As you can see, I'm about to get my grown man on. Bout to have a little champagne celebration. The bytch is the bottle....so you already know where this is going. Urine Gang, bang bang. :jawalrus: #TSCCM, all the rest, y'all die! :pacspit:

Jesus Christ :deadcena::deadcena::deadcena:


Apr 30, 2012
Make sure I'm never booked against Liggins :merchant:

I ain't about a gang of autistic midgets pissing on me after I job :whoa:

Most feared man in the biz right now. #duckinglike :deadmanny:


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
KG Ross: @Tumblr and @YoungCJ are heading to the ring. Both of them seem to be smiling, laughing almost. They seem to be walking up to @Hoss as if this was all planned out. They have a #TSCCM t-shirt in hand....what is going on here??!!!!

*Hoss stares at both men in complete silence*

*Tumblr and YoungCJ casually stroll in the ring*

*Tumblr tosses Hoss a TSCCM t-shirt*

*Hoss looks down at the shirt and then looks up at both men*
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May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
* Hoss puts the shirt on and raises both fists up to dap YoungCJ and Tumblr*

*Tumblr and YoungCJ both dap him up and they share a group hug in the ring*

KG Ross: Terrible....I expected better from Hoss

*Hoss raises both mens hands in the air*


*Hoss slams them both into each other head first*

KG Ross: YESSS!!!!!!!! We have a hope!!!

*Hoss KO's both men with a barrage of Crowbar swings

* @Keith Harrow and @g-ice come running out to aide the brehs until Hoss pulls on the rope from the rafters and is quickly whisked into the air*

*crowd gives loudest pop of the night*
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CM Punk

The TSC World Heavyweight Champion
Aug 1, 2012
@Kind Gentleman

You think this is funny? Or are you doing this on purpose? I thought this entire company was going to be different. Different ethos. Different structure. Different motivation. I see now that nothing's changed.

You promise CM Punk a title shot if he beats me. That's it? That's your ENTIRE stipulation for the match? If he beats me he gets a title shot. If I beat him...nothing.

Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.

For almost seven years now I've sat back and watched guys who have no right to be anywhere near the main event get there. I've seen guys who quite frankly made me embarrassed to be on forums get title shots, and guys who deserve to be there looked over time and time again. Ok, I think, it's how the business works - but now I'm sick and tired of it and things are going to change. There's only so far you can twist a man before he snaps.

Let's take a trip down memory lane. Guys like Imamember. Guys like Dave_Conner. Guys like LHRD. Guys like Alter_Boy. Guys like sexyboyisprettyboy. Nowadays we've got guys like wcthesecret and of course, my opponent @CM Punk - whose entire gimmick is that he's an alias of somebody else. He's so devoid of personality that he has to latch onto somebody else's...but I'm digressing.

I've shown every single damn time that when I'm in a main event I am untouchable. This briefcase right here pretty much proves it, and yet still I'm looked over because I'm a company guy. I don't complain, I don't bytch and I don't play politics.

I don't need smiley faces, gifs or little pictures to get my point across. If you don't understand what I'm saying, what I'm saying isn't relevant to you anyway. Change is coming, and it is coming soon.

Embrace it or get torn apart.


Poor Riley. You want to know why when I beat you tonight I will get my title shot for the TSC World Championship? Because I'm the man. The best in the world. You sit there and weep over the fact that you have been here for seven years and saw undeserving no talent scrubs pass you by to the main event. Do you know why you get looked over? Because you, just like those other idiots are exactly what you said they are. You yourself are an embarrassment. You actually sat there for seven years and did nothing to help yourself. Ive been sitting here for a week and I am on the threshold of the main event for the TSC World Title and the only obstacle in my way is you. You say you're a company guy, you don't complain, you don't bytch and you don't play politics but look at you now. You are a hypocritical phony. The only change that is coming tonight, is you going from semi-main events to curtain jerking because your time is over. My name is CM Punk and I am the future of this place and the future is now.

Oh and one more thing, Ill take the TSC Television title too and unify it with the world title. See you later at this ppv.... "bro".

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Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia

Ladies and Gentlemen, a dark day had dawned in TSC. The TSCCM is running roughshod over all of the top TSC Superstars. They have most, if not, all the gold, theyve beaten us down over and over and in the most original of ideas, even decided to spraypaint on my back. TSC has been a broken institution...


...but not anymore! You see all this time ive only been concerned with Hogan. Everyone else has flown under the radar and that was selfish. I havent been the leader TSC deserves. Well that changes right here right now! Now, past friend or not im after ALL of the TSCCM. And since you like the numbers game so much, i got a few friends myself.

*Enter @DaylitoJames @Jmare007 @The Great One [MENTION]Scotch Hall [/MENTION]and @The Push Man.*


You see, i have my own alliance and dare i say, we're a little bit dangerous. And even more than being dangerous we are PISSED OFF. You want a war TSCCM? Game on! Were here and were not runnin. And we wont stop until every last one of you are a broken and beaten shell of a man. And once were done with that we will place you in the bushes next to Makdafi.

So get ready boys, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, take your steroids and drink your piss because after were done with you, you wont EVER be able to move on your own again. You started this but make no mistake, we will end it.

And that... is from a beautiful mind...

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May 2, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen, a dark day had dawned in TSC. The TSCCM is running roughshod over all of the top TSC Superstars. They have most, if not, all the gold, theyve beaten us down over and over and in the most original of ideas, even decided to spraypaint on my back. TSC has been a broken institution...

...but not anymore! You see all this time ive only been concerned with Hogan. Everyone else has flown under the radar and that was selfish. I havent been the leader TSC deserves. Well that changes right here right now! Now, past friend or not im after ALL of the TSCCM. And since you like the numbers game so much, i got a few friends myself.

You see, i have my own alliance and dare i say, we're a little bit dangerous. And even more than being dangerous we are PISSED OFF. You want a war TSCCM? Game on! Were here and were not runnin. And we wont stop until every last one of you are a broken and beaten shell of a man. And once were done with that we will place you in the bushes next to Makdafi.

So get ready boys, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, take your steroids and drink your piss because after were done with you, you wont EVER be able to move on your own again. You started this but make no mistake, we will end it.

And that... is from a beautiful mind...
This a man I'd follow to hell.
And if this PPV keeps going the way it has, I may well have to:demonic: